xiao mei

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since Sep 30, 2008
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I just installed RAD7(from 10 disks). I don't have disks to install optional portal test environment 5.1 and 6.0. I have 2 questions:

1. Isn't wps 5.1 test environment included with RAD7? Do I still need to install anything else in order to use wps 5.1 test environment within RAD7? If yes, I don't have disks, what's the alternative? Install full wps 5.1 ? Is there free/trial download for wps5.1?

2. If I want to use wps 6.0 test environment and don't have optional insall disks, any other ways?

thanks for the response.
14 years ago
Anybody knows any good study guide or book for IBM certification test 000-253? IBM red book is little too big. thanks.
[ September 30, 2008: Message edited by: rguan ]
16 years ago