Vinod K Singh

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since Sep 30, 2008
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Recent posts by Vinod K Singh

Jobin Mathew wrote:So, for all the webservices i need to give the same servlet class as "", right?

Yes, one Servlet can serve multiple URL patterns.

Jobin Mathew wrote:and there is no need of giving my own servlet class in web.xml?

Yes, unless there is a good reason to extend the WSServlet.
14 years ago

Jobin Mathew wrote:If am adding my servlet service in web.xml, the servlet class should be WSServlet or my own servlet class?
From my experience only WSServlet is working properly. Is this correct?


Yes, this is the right configuration.

14 years ago
There is no limit on number of statements from a connection.
Overloaded operations are not supported.
14 years ago
Use SOAPFault to send error message.
14 years ago
Looks like along with Spring-WS and Maven you are new to Web services as well. I would suggest to learn all of these separately and then combine them during implementation.
An step-by-step guide to build JAX-WS web service is available here- Bulding JAX-WS web service.
14 years ago
Can you be more specific about the problem being faced? Spring documentation may be helpful to you
14 years ago
Either return an array or an object having two attributes.
14 years ago

Jobin Mathew wrote:I agreed with this. But how can i see the wsdl here?

Just uncomment the servlet mapping part for the HelloService2 in web.xml, you should be able to see the WSDL.
15 years ago

Jobin Mathew wrote:I removed the entry from web.xml, but still i am getting 'resource not available' when i tried to see the wsdl.

The listing of HelloService2 is visible because it is defined in sun-jaxws.xml file but WSDL is inaccessible as there is no Servlet configured in web.xml to handle the /HelloService2 URL.
15 years ago
Would it be possible for you to put some more details. Where do you see this exception, on client side or server side?
15 years ago
You can try with relevant wsgen commans options mentioned in JAX-WS documentation. Alternatively this can be done using Ant script as well, one example is given below-
15 years ago
Have a look here as well to get basic understadning of web services.
15 years ago

Sunil Kumar B A wrote:My concern is, by hard-coding the url-pattern, aren't we compromising the "separation of concern" between developer and deployer?

Usually such communication is required in applications containing both of the servlets. In such scenarios the line between developer and deployer is very thin, almost always both are same. Though this concern will be valid when one servlet is bundled as a library. To overcome such situations pass the url pattern as parameter in web.xml.
15 years ago