adwin wijaya

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since Oct 01, 2008
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Recent posts by adwin wijaya

It seems people are prefer to use interface for its flexibility. My question is when wee need to use abstract over interface ?

thanks !

i was asked by my friend to do create a web application using java (i am going to use grails). I have no problem with grails, but I got a problem when I need to do an update. His office was located on far far away from my city. So I have to send a war file everytime I did an update. They have internet but not connected to their application server ... so I have to send via email.

the problem is, war is quite big (about 25 MB) to be send via email... I don't want to send all of them if I just add/update an class. Is there any effective ways to send update (just the class) and I wish it looks like an installshield ...
16 years ago
can you type like this

i think it should work ...
[ October 04, 2008: Message edited by: adwin wijaya ]
groovy is great ..

thanks for the tutorial .. i am learning groovy at the moment .. preparing for using it together with grails.
16 years ago