Ramakrishnan Seshadri

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since Aug 06, 2001
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Recent posts by Ramakrishnan Seshadri

Looks like lot of different people have different views about this book.
My understanding about this book is : Covers the in-out scope of the SCEA exam, have to read other books to add to the massive content of individual scope topics.
I am hoping to visit the B&N this weekend and hopefully they have the book in their location. Will add my comments later.
Do not worry, Take a break and then start preparing again.
There are lots of friends in this forums who will surely help you out if needed.
Cheer up.
All the best.
Can you please tell me from which local bookstore did u get the book?
Thanks very much mitchner green.
Can you please tell us if you got this book at the bookstore or thru online.
Also please do add the comments that you may feel about the book as and when you come across it.
I am waiting for this book at B&N. Please add your comments.
Thanks again
Ramakrishnan Seshadri
Lot of people I belv. are in the look out for this book I guess..
Anyone who has brought this book, Please mention the store name.
Also add your reviews about this book in this message.
Just wanted to find out if the above book is available in Barnes and Noble stores. Has any one bought it.
Please add your reviews about the book
Try reading this book, it gives u lot of details about understanding use cases.
Use Case Driven Object Modeling With Uml : A Practical Approach
Hope it helps.
Cockburn had really contributed a lot to Agile processing. Can some one point me to resources by him.
Hello Monica,
I will try my best to give you some information based on the things you had told in this message.

First thing is we are talking about mobile applications, Where time is surely a most important criteria.
So considering that I think it best to have less number of classes than loosing time in generating several objects and using it.

I feel a single servlet is a fine choice, but make sure if your application goes very big then I do not recommend it.
The number of use cases, should be more or less equal to the number of scenarios. I do not think it is a good choice to have one use case for every menu item.
The process
* Should have some use case diagrams, where you show the different scenarios that happen from the perspective of the user ( not something that happens within the application).
* Try to come up with a risk list after analyzing what all you must deliver before some one expects something done by you at a certain point of time. This can be one of the most driving feature that I had experienced in short time projects. Concentrate your thoughts on the high risk elements. (Refer to Larman book for risk list details). If there is a technical challenge please do a small prototype, it is worth doing it.
* Make sure you identify the generic pieces like reporting error, logging..., as these will be used all through your application and so it must be at least be prototyped (atleast make the interface). This can lead to coming up with several grouping of classes, do not decide on the group names but make sure you note it down, no matter you think it was a wise or bad choice as it helps you later.
* Make sure you have a Domain class diagram, which abstracts all the conceptual classes of your application. (this is where u normal end up doing use case realization through sequence diagrams to identify the abstract classes)
* Take each high risk scenarios, come up with the domain model then start you class diagram (do not get deep into it, make it from the conceptual perspective).
* Any high risk workflow, like process like call waiting must have an activity diagram. It really helps you identify the hidden aspects of the application.
* Have the design patterns catalog in front of you while heading for class diagrams, it helps you to see if any design pattern will make a good fit.
* Code development can start simultaneously at this point.
* Once you are at this stage then it is normally a iterative process.
The above process is not 100% right, but I belv. at this short point of time in your case I will take up steps something similar to what I had said above.
Hope it helps.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Congratulations, Great Score.
Hello Ajith,
Thanks for your comments. I agree we can start a sub-form under engineering for this CSDP IEEE certification.
I consider this project lifecycle certification very important without denying Java being the cream factor for this Forum. Every project must adopt to some best pratices to make its success mark.
I have also been a Java developer for 4-5 years and surely believe and dream the future of Java.
I hope and would like to see a new forum started under Engineering for this to help all of us to prepare and enrich our knowledge on this IEEE CSDP certification.
22 years ago