Purohit Punam

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since Oct 06, 2008
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Recent posts by Purohit Punam

hey all,

I got the answer, the below regular expression works for validating multiple email addresses seperated by comma:

14 years ago
Hi All,
I want to validate multiple email addresses in GWT.
I used VType.Email but it validates a single email address only and does not accept comma or any other seperator.

I searched for regex for multiple email addresses and i found:

but it validates the first email address entered, and after comma it accepts anything entered.

Can any one help to validate multiple email addresses in GWT as i used Pattern class of java but it is not supported in gwt, it does not allow my application to run.

i want to validate multiple email addresses entered using seperator.

Thanks in advance

14 years ago

Christophe Verré wrote:

But it is accepting numbers also

Really ? How are you using it ?

I was using it as below:

and it gave me true....
yeah... I got it done using this expression:
14 years ago
Hi All,

I need to check only alphabets for that i used regular expression as .
But it is accepting numbers also can any one help me getting regular expression for validating only alphabets..

Punam Purohit
14 years ago
Hi all,

My GWT web application UI behaves differently across different browsers.
can any one tell if there is any UI binder in gwt or specific method to create UI using gwt and hmvc?

14 years ago
please post some detailed question. you want image to be displayed as link?, or in a text link you want to put image?
15 years ago
Hi Bosun,

I tried this and it is giving me compile time error.

I tried this and it is giving me FileNotFoundException.


I have properties file and i want to get the value of properties file in my HibernateSessionFactory java class.
For accessing properties file i have to give physical path starting from



properties file is in src folder of my application.

I want to access it using "dbConnection.properties" file name not any physical path. because it may cause problem at deployment time.

Did you get it or need more specification?

Hi All,

I want to use alternate hibernate.cfg.xml from two available hibernate.cfg.xml files. I have created properties file two select the database.

My properties file is lying in src folder, I have problem reading properties file

It is giving me FileNotFoundException if i write physical path for properties file it works fine but for above path it does not. can any one help why am i getting this error for properties file.

Hi All,

I am using display:table tag and I have column for edit and delete in it. if i have 5 pages in display table and i click on page 3,
I edit any entry on page 3 and returning to that page displays page 1 not page 3 as it should be page 3.

So, can any one tell how can i return back on page 3?

15 years ago

castor castro wrote:Hi,

I am new to the struts framework. I would like to seek advice as to what version to move forward to. I am planning to write a personal project that uses this framework as practice. Also, which version is much appreciated by companies as of now? You know supposed that I will be adding it up as one of my skills.



I suggest struts 2 as strtus 2 is far advanced and easy than struts 1.
15 years ago
Hi Martijn Verburg,

I am also interested in The Ikasan Enterprise Integration Platform project... Please let me know as i also want to join the project...

waiting for your reply.....
15 years ago