Shiv Sidhaarth

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since Aug 06, 2001
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Recent posts by Shiv Sidhaarth


Is there any sample application which runs the workflow in jBPM5 in server that can be controlled by the user using mobile or desktop browser running HTML5? To put in a nutshell, is there browser client for running the workflows ?

11 years ago
Getting outofmemory error from c:forEach tag though tag pooling has been disabled in tomcat's web.xml. Why is it not working? Thanks.
12 years ago
We are migrating our apps from 5.5.28 to 6.0. We tried to do this for 5.5.35 first. Our jsp pages that contain logic:iterate tags works fine in 5.5.28, but only few of the tags fail in 5.5.35. They do not generate the declaration line of such ids.

I see this line : If the collection we are getting over can contain null values, the loops will still be performed, but no page scope attribute (named by id attribute) will be created for that loop iteration.

I went through those collections in debug mode and found it does not contain null. Then, why the error : it cannot be resolved in jsp page.

If this explanation is not clear, please let me know. I will clarify again. I have been facing this issue for numerous days.

Thank You in advance.

12 years ago
Check your PM
16 years ago
Check your PM
16 years ago
Explain them your reasons for taking break. They would also think that you are confident and genius to take a break at this juncture of time.

If you make them not just hear but feel the same way during the interview, they can make a huge carer for you.
16 years ago
Tax deduction applies if it is 5 years from the date of leaving the organization or date of joining organization???
16 years ago
10/9...Happy to use both sides
17 years ago
Thanks for your reply Lasse.

Links are very good, informative and eye opener about productivity.
I am also sailing in same boat like Sam. I worked in 3 companies and in all of them, I had to work in MVC model 1 arch. When I discuss about model 2 and frameworks, business poeple turn them down saying, they don't face any issues as of now. They are earning expected profits now.

I know JSP/Servlets well, but no framework as such. If comany does not give me opportunity how can I get some hands on experience? If I look for new job, they expect experience rather than theoritical knowledge. Pity on me.
17 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I am curious to know what is the productivity measurements in java world. Eg. 500 loc per week. Can someone give some website links which has lot of statistics to show the industry standard? From that I can judge myself where I stand. Which technology gives more productivity for web application which has nothing more than CRUD operations.

Thakns Tim for showing some unseen path of RoR.

By the way, what is Git-R-Done? Not able to understand.
17 years ago
Thanks Swapnil and Prashant for your replies.

Prashant, it is fantastic to hear that one scaffold command creates MVC component for CRUD operation of single table. I wonder can it be achieved for multiple tables having relationships which will be the case most often.

You are working in J2EE project now. So that means, ROR cannot be used in all web applications, right? Incertain areas J2EE rules. Can I take that way? If so, can you kindly mention those areas?

What kind of application is best suited to be developed in ROR rather than Jsp/Servlet based?

Currently we are using MVC model 1 arch for our web apps which uses Tomcat and Mysql. This is databased driven website with search facility done using Lucene search engine. Cusomers make payment through credit card. We also send lead data to salesforce. What do you feel? Can we use ROR here?

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago