Thanks again very much for your superior help!
I managed to get what I want... in a way. But the CPU is very busy for just having a visual EQ. Is there anything I can do to speed things up with the FFT or make it use less CPU? You wrote something about using log instead of sin() and cos(). How do I do that? Haven't read anything about that in the Articles I have here right now. Sorry again for my bad Math
I did a little Video and uploaded it (Big day, first youtube video =)) There you go... you can see what I have so far. I also know now how I could make it 32 or 64 bands to display. I just let the "FFT Loop" call the custom paint()-Method of my EQ-AWT-Canvas-Object every cycle. Without the recording Tool I get about 60 fps on my 2Ghz/1GB (Single Core, about 7 years).
Another Question that came up was: How do I measure the volume of each frequency spectrum I have? Decibell? All I did for now, was to multiply my doubles with 100 and (int) them to have usable numbers for animation. Is there any kind of normalization I could do?
Sorry to bother you with another bunch of questions...
Thanks very much!!!