Meet Gaurav

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since Oct 08, 2008
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I have reservation site, in that i have some set of numbers loaded in table. During reservation am fetching records one by one and updating the status as reserved.

While selecting the record am using a lock(for update) and then updating the status as reserved. In real time because of the load 2 diff threads picking the same record and second one is while update. since I have selected the record with lock.

Could someone please suggest is there any way I can restrict the record from the select which is already selected with lock..
return type of the method which am calling is String. field.get(obj) is giving illegalAccess Exception. Is there any limitation ? Please help.
12 years ago

I have a class object and there are 2 getters in that with values. For some reason am getting classcastexception(weblogic class loader issue(not able to cast)). Is there any way I can get the values using reflection API or some other API. Please check.

I tried all the possibilities. Now only way is I have to get the values without type casting the class object.
12 years ago

What is differnce between the below codes.

I guess first one is for Remote JNDI lookup and second one is local JNDI lookup(JNDI should be on the same weblogic where .ear is deployed)
Please correct me if am wrong

How to add Annotations dynamically at Runtime to a java web service. Please help.

Want to add some annotations on top of class attribute.
13 years ago

Am new to java annotations. There anyway I can add flag based annotations. In case if I want to change or remove some annotations I can do that by changing the flag and not by changing the code.
Please help
13 years ago
Thanks for response. Am new to web services, could you please assist me how to implement this in client code

<rewriteSystem systemIdStartString=""

As per my understanding
JavadbWebServiceService service = new JavadbWebServiceService();
JavadbWebService port = service.getJavadbWebServicePort(); ----- This is making the get call.

String currentTime = port.getTime();

13 years ago
Thanks for quick reply. Is there any way I can stop that ?. It's performance issue for me(2 network calls)
13 years ago
Hi am using JAX-WS client to invoke my web service. But it's making 2 call to the server. 1 st call to check the wsdl(get call) with empty body and 2nd call post with body. But when I use axis it's making only 1 call. Could some one please help me why it's making 2 call.
13 years ago

Could someone please assist me. How the hibernate is being loaded in JVM Memory.

Any Good Links is also fine. I like to understand, If I have 2 ear's(running on same server) referring same hbm file whether on the server startup it will load the hbm twice.
that is some code. We badly required that in long
13 years ago
String f = "000000234";
Long la= new Long(f).longValue;

prefix zero's are missing.. I want the zero's
13 years ago
String f = "000000234"

I want to convert this to long with zero's. Please help me
13 years ago
You are right.. I ran that in diff computer (server were DB is running). I guess some issues on my computer.

But I tried disabling the firewall on my computer (It's windows 7 64 bit). Any other suggestion please
yes it's running and listening... I tested the db connection by using a small program. I guess the program is by using connection pool.