Revanth reddy

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since Oct 10, 2008
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Recent posts by Revanth reddy

When i click on startup.bat on tomcat/bin , it just flashes and disappers, i am not even getting any error. when i am trying to access the paqe from http://localhost/.. nothing displayed.. completely blank page
15 years ago
Thanks for the reply. i checked it again, but still getting the error. even i downloaded a servlet.jar and placed it to the class path and build path also. still having the same error...
15 years ago
I am trying to write simple struts app. it has one jsp and one action class. when i am trying to compile the app with ant i am getting the fallowing error.
cannot access javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest file javax\servlet\http\HttpServletRequest.class not found

The project build path has servelt-api.jar from lib folder of tomcat . still getting the same error. any help would be greatly appreciated.

15 years ago
hi Ranchers,
here is the scenarion, where i am lookinmg for help.
I am pulling some file names from the data base. and now i wanted to check wheather these files really exists in a physical drive (like m:\\\dowload\loc\filename) where this drive is login protected. though i have the user name and password, how would i achieve this using java

Any help would greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
15 years ago
nyways Thanks for the replies guys...
16 years ago
Thankyou so much for your reply...
16 years ago
Hey Ranchers,
i have a small question. I am implementing small web has 4 links under the main menu Lookup, add, update and delete. i am trying to implement the Role based acees here. lookup link can be viewed by any one, but add, delete and updated will be viewd by once particular user role people. even this is also working fine. ( i am checking this from login page, taking the user name and checking is it configured againist the user role, if it yes then displaying the link, if not hiding them)but the main problem is if the type the url to the main menu say (http://localhost:8080/App/mainMenu.jsp)on the brower it is displaying the all the link with out checking the user role. how do we eleminate this ??

16 years ago
Thanks for your time Sunil. I found out a solution for that. Using a java script.. i am assigning an action to each button.
16 years ago

Sunil Vasudevan wrote:You need to check how you have used your form tags. Your elements are wrapped in one form tag and you have update button in another form tag. Hope that gives you a pointer on what you need to do.

Thanks for your time, i even tried with one form button, still the same...
16 years ago
Thanks for the clarification
16 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
currently i am developing small web app. Here comes the requirement.
I have a user input screen with 2 textboxes and 1 dropdown.And it has 2 buttons called Add and Update
both buttons will navitage to same scrren.

Once the user clicks on ADD button i have to do some validations like, make sure the three filelds combination should not exist in the table, if it passes the validationm i am dispalying a screnn which contains textboxes.

Once the user clicks on UPDATE button, i have to validate to make sure should exist in the table, If it passes the validation i am navigationg to the next screen, which is same as ADD Screen, as a difference, all the textboxe values are prepopulateed with the existing data. This i s my requirement.

But the problems, at any point of time one button is carrying the parameters to the action,
how to carry the values to action. i am using struts. Here is my first JSP.

if i click on ADD i am able to pass these values to Action, but if i click on Update i am getting nulls in Action

if the user clicks on ADD button in the first scrren and navigates to the second scrren, on which we have 2 buttons called COnfirm ADD and Confirm Update. I have to disable the ConfirmUpdate button, vice versa to ConfirmAdd buuton is be disable when user come thru update button in the firs scren. How to achieve this.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

16 years ago
This is the best practice to have the form to be in request scope, and also i heard that if the form is in session scope , when the app is moved to production ther will be some strange behavior(few times) i am not sure about that. may b i am wrong.. clarify me..

16 years ago
Here is my question. I am working on simple web application, there is a scenario, in the front end i will be displaying 2 drop downs(the values are from db) and the two drop downs will be displayed when the page is loaded. if the user selects any one of the drop down then the second drop down needs to be adjusted dynamically based on first drop down value. it is also working fine.

but the problem it is working only when i put the action form in session scope(in struts-config.xml) when i put the form in request scope my program ends up with an exception.. " Failed to obtain Specified Collection". but i seriously wanted the action form to be on request scope.

Then how to achieve this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
16 years ago
Thank you somuch for both of you.. Its working!!!1