Per-Morten Lindanger

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since Oct 13, 2008
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Recent posts by Per-Morten Lindanger

I'm rather new to JSP and JSF, and unaware of the limitations.
What I wish to do, is to display a dropdown box if a condition is true, or display a inputfield if the condition is false.

I am aware of the posibility to just set the rendered="#{!bean.variable}" and rendered="#{bean.variable}", but that is a very messy way to go, since I have more then 100 components on the page where this is required.

Are there any existing UIComponents that does this for me?

A input field that has a dropdown box that appears only if there is a list of choices available?
15 years ago
I have been looking for something about how to share session-beans between portlets in different applications for quite some time now, and I have'nt had any success.

According to this link, it should be in the JSR 286 spesification but I just can't find any information about how to use it!

Please help!
15 years ago
As there are loads of programs allready accessing the tables, and since there's no record regarding where thoose programs are, changing the tables are not an option.

Anyway, I solved the matter by adding an interface. It turned out looking pretty neat. Thanks for the feedback.
I am pretty new to JPA, and I have run into a problem where we have several tables with entities of the same type.

Itemtableybly (last year)
Itemtable (this year)

Entity for all is "Item"(same columns for all, but different data).

What I need to do, is to allow the user to choose what table to pull data from at runtime.

Any suggestions about how this can be done? The tables can not be altered.
I have just found the JSR 301 specs. Should I wait until they get a final release on 301?
15 years ago
Does anyone know of a good tutorial to get started developing JSF portlets, using the capabilitys from JSR 286.

I'm especially interested in simple example portlets or tutorials on the eventsystem, aswell as the shareable sessionscope variables.

I need something to get started! ;)
15 years ago
I am currently having trying to forward a vatiable between two portlets on my websphere portal. All seems to work very well, except one thing.

The portlets are of different pages in the portal. And it seems my wiring require that I open the page where the target portlet is located, before I can recieve any actions/parameters at the target-portlet.. This will cause a very annoying bug in our application, as crosspage wiring is one of the key-features we are depending on. Is there any way to make this work without opening the destenation page before submitting?
15 years ago
Works perfectly. Thanks!
15 years ago
Would'nt the ".setRendered(false)" cause all the inputTexts/comboboxes in the column to be hidden?

The list will contain objects of different classes at the same time.
15 years ago
I am currently trying to list out a collection of objects from an arraylist stored in a bean.

The objects all implement a common interface, but are of different object types. What I want to do, is to display the list so that some of the objects are displayed as combo boxes, and others as inputfields, depending on what kind of object they are.

Is this doable? and in that case how? I don't want to generate the content of the JSP in doview() unless I really really REALLY have to.
15 years ago