Ashwin Desai

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Recent posts by Ashwin Desai

There could be a lot of reasons, but the following two affect my decision.
1) Licensing issues prevent distributing the javac compiler with software. Thus, jsps cannot be evaluated on the fly.
2) You do not want to give out your code i.e. jsp files. Thus, just give compiled versions.
[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited October 01, 2001).]
23 years ago
I would like to deploy the JSPs as pre-compiled class files. I unsuccessfully tried to deploy the generated class files as servlets.
Steps followed were:
1) Pre-compile the JSPs into java files using Jasper.
2) Compile the java files to class files.
3) Map the JSP name (for e.g. test.jsp) to the corresponding .class file (i.e. _test_jsp.class)
I get a NullPointerException when I access the JSP (and its not in my code). Anybody run into similar problems ? I am using a iPlanet webserver on a unix platform.
I would appreciate if someone could give me some pointers on how to go about to do this. Specific details about iPlanet webserver will be great.

[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited October 01, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited October 01, 2001).]
23 years ago

You can expect the situation for foreign (non-U.S. citizens) workers in this country to be very different from the situation for U.S. citizens.

I never questioned it and agree with you on the above. In fact, it was not me but a few of your fellow "American citizens" who do not seem to agree.
U.S. citizens are supposed to have priority, but they do not.
I am just trying to make these guys realize just that.
- Ashwin.

[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited September 17, 2001).]
23 years ago
U.S. citizens are supposed to have priority, but they do not. That was the point that was being made
I don't know what more of a 'priority' or special treatment are you expecting.
- You can change jobs at will and do not have to wait for the 2 months to get some documents endorsed.
- You do not have to pay social security taxes for someone whom you do not even know and without availing of them later in your life.
- You do not have a restriction of doing just one job, leave alone the fact that it should be connected with your field of specialization.
- You can AT LEAST survive without a job with the unemployment insurance that the government provides.
And lots more....
And I agree that you should be able to avail of these facilities just for the simple reason that you are a citizen of this country.
But, if you still think that you are not given 'priority', I would suggest that instead of cribbing about it here, you could fight it out with the governmental body that decides it. I believe that would at least yield some results.
[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited September 14, 2001).]
23 years ago
That URL affects everything related to Jobs Discussion and everyone's future career prospects, and because it is so important that is why I posted it several times. It has NOTHING to do with hatred and I resent that implication. You know nothing about me, so don't jump to conclusions.
I am just wondering -
how come everyone is complaining about these issues only now when there were more H1B holders holding jobs in the US during the 'boom' time (about 2 years back) ?
There were no voices heard during that time ..... I wonder why !!
- Ashwin.

23 years ago
If you agree that US citizens have a priority over h1b visa holders for jobs, then how can you blame H1B visa holders for snatching your jobs ?
Food for thought .....

23 years ago

We need to deploy a web application (JSPs and servlets) on the customer side. We would need a Java compiler on the machine to support the working of the JSPs. But, the problem is that due to licensing constraints, we cannot ship the JDK with our application (I was surprised to hear this).
One of the options that we have is to precompile the jsps and deploy the jar. But, frankly I don't know whether that's even possible.
I would appreciate your help/suggestions in this matter.
Thanks a lot.
23 years ago
Try this out.

A window needs a parent Frame as its owner. Thus, create a dummy frame and use it as the owner when constructing the window.
Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited July 16, 2001).]
23 years ago

Static Variables can be used in an abstract class to define constants that could be used througout the class hierarchy.
23 years ago
Use a counter that gets incremented when a customer accesses the application. When the customer closes the application, decrement the counter.
The above assumes that the customer accesses a single instance of the application.

Hope this helps.
23 years ago
Yes. You can have more than one instance of the JVM running on the same machine.
23 years ago
Hi Kaspar,
Though Enumeration is an interface , the line

returns an object of a class (that implements Enumeration). This is done on the fly and follows the OOP principle of "programming to the Interface" so that it is easier to change the implementation.
Hope this helps.
23 years ago
The answer is false, false.
g1 == g2 yields false because g1 and g2 are references to different objects G1 and G2 respectively.
g1.equals(g2) yields false :
The default behavior of the equals(..) method in class Object checks whether the two references point to the same object i.e. same memory location (that is same as g1 == g2).
class MyClass is not instantiated at all. Thus, you can safely ignore MyClass.
Hope this helps.
23 years ago
I have been following this thread for some time now. What started off as a Good News has digressed into an anti-h1b tirade with people bringing off their personal grudges and problems on this board.
I understand that there are many people with a H-1b working in the US who do not even deserve being called programmers. But, on the other side of it, there are a lot more who are highly qualified with Masters and PHds, educated in US schools.
There have been people who have written at lengths about the skill level of people with H-1Bs. But, if you wake up from your stupor and see around you will find a similar situation even among American workers. In fact, there are bound to be some good, some bad and some pathetic workers in any particular category.
Just because a few are bad, you cannot generalize that all are bad.
I (and I am sure many out there too) do not want this board to be turned into another one of anti-H1B tirades. If you want to continue please carry off your fights, issues to thousands of such boards on the web and I am sure you would find a lot of similar minded people.
Please let this board serve its intended purpose.
[This message has been edited by Ashwin Desai (edited June 14, 2001).]
23 years ago
Is swingall.jar your own jar file or is it the file that ships or rather shipped with an earlier version of JDK ?
If it's your own file, then you will have to include it as an archive atrribute in the applet tag and the client applet will have to dload the entire file. There is no other choice because that's how applets work.
But, if it contains swing classes, then a better idea is to use a plugin. Thus when the browser encounters the applet, it pops up a dialog prompting the user to install the plug-in. But, beware the plug-in is at least 6-7 MB. So, it takes a lot of time to dload and install. For more info, please search for Java Plug-in home page om
23 years ago