Danish Shaukat

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Recent posts by Danish Shaukat

Hi All,

I was wondering what are the job responsibilities of a solutions specialist.

What I have seen is that in some companies sales people are called solutions specialists as they help clients figure out their needs and propose a technical solution. This I believe is different from sale of off the shelf products.

However if my above analysis is correct, then how does a solutions specialist differ from a business analyst or a product manager.

Feel free to advise and guide!

8 years ago
Tim and Jeanne thanks for replying.

I am considering a MS in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Its all about navigation based on a system of satellites. The GPS is a good example of GNSS.

I think this degree programme will be a good combination with my computer science degree and programming experience. If I want to continue working as a programmer then the GNSS sector could become my domain (industry or vertical or field of expertise).

Also at some point in time the new degree might help me switch careers, if I want to.

From what I have read there will be lot of growth in this field in the years to come, especially in Europe.

11 years ago
Hi all,

What is your opinion about people who have undergraduate degree in computer science and a masters degree in other discipline (electrical, mechanical, chemistry)?

I have a undergraduate degree in computer science and ten years of programming experience under my belt. I am considering a masters degree in some other discipline. I wanted to know how it would help me in my career.

11 years ago
Hi all,

I hold a BS in Computer Science and have ten years of industrial experience. I have mainly worked as an independent consultant and have been involved with Java based development.

I plan to get a Masters degree but do not have much aptitude for Computer Science.

I have been looking at MS in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) . However I am not sure how it will help me with my career and work in the industry.
Masters in GNSS

What do you think about this Masters? How can someone with my background benefit from this?

Your guidance and suggestions are more than welcomed.

11 years ago

Jimmy Clark wrote:
However, if you were the "founder" of the organization, and you abruptly decided to "call it a day." This may create the perception that you were not successful, failed as a business operator, or some other negative interpretation. You should be prepared for this.

I did not abruptly call it a day. There is always a combination of factors at work and you decide it is better to move on to something else or perhaps explore better opportunities. The fact that I am in Pakistan says a lot. I live in a region that is highly unstable. The economy is pretty much dead. My startup served its purpose and served it well. If I want I can probably revive it but this is not what I want to do any longer.
12 years ago

Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:IMO, if you think that your qualifications make you over-qualified for the jobs that you are seeking, you might be aiming too low Have you tried applying for positions like Director of Engineering at startups? I am sure there have to be some who are looking for people with your kind of experience. Have you tried expanding your search outside of telecom space? You must have learnt a lot of soft skills that can translate out of your core area of technical expertise! Where are you located? Are there high level jobs available in your target area?

I will have to admit that I am not aiming too high

I am in Pakistan. Most of the tech firms here are service based companies with employee strength of 15 to 25 people. There are lots of openings for people with 1 to 3 years of experience. Anyone who has plus 5 years of experience becomes over qualified and unaffordable for these companies. So most senior people either set up their own startups, get in to academia, leave country or leave IT sector.

This is the real reason why I am shying away from using the the word Founder if I am applying for a job in Pakistan.

If I am applying abroad then ofcourse I should not hesitate to use Founder.

12 years ago

Vikram Kohli wrote:This link is for you.

Hope it will help. Big mobile VAS companies might be the right segment for you. I think you should try with Founder and CEO title only.

Thanks Vikram. Nice article. Gives a different perspective.
12 years ago

arulk pillai wrote:Why not have customized resumes to the role(s) you are applying for?

Yes I do have multiple variants of my resume keeping in mind the positions I am targeting.

In this post I guess I am debating the pros and cons of mentioning Founder as the title for my last job. I’d just like to know what others think about the impact it will have on my job search.
12 years ago

arulk pillai wrote:Why do you think it will be intimidating if you said "Founder"?

1. The HR team might think I am one of the CEO types and thus overqualified for the job. Reality is different. It was a small consultancy startup where I was doing all kinds of work with main focus on the business side of things.

I can explain this during the interview but I will have to pass the initial screening of the HR team where I will be defense less.

2. A small or mid-level firm might want some one coming from a typical employment background. They might consider me a misfit just because I have been doing my own thing.

3. Very small firms might see me as a threat or even a competitor. Although I do not have any such intentions but I cannot control thought processes. In one of my recent interviews with a wireless carrier, I was specifically asked how do I assure them that I am not joining them for my own business networking. In such a situation someone coming from a typical employment background will have an advantage over me.
12 years ago
Hi everyone,

I have 10 years of industrial experience. For the last 5 years I have been running a mobile/telecom space consultancy startup. Employee strength was around 10 people. My job responsibilities included business development / sales, product strategy advisor for clients, project management, client coordination, designing applications etc. Last month I decided to call it a day.

Now I am looking for a job. I would like to get in to product development related positions in mobile and telecom companies.

The big question for me is that what job title should I put on my resume for my last job. If I write “Founder” it might get intimidating. Small companies might consider me overqualified. If I mention something like “Project Manager” then at some point in time, especially when they conduct background checks, I will have to come out with the truth which again will put me in a difficult situation.

I need your advice. How do I handle this situation?


12 years ago
Thanks Darryl!

One more question: I don't think J2ME provides APIs for touch screen programming... I don't think there is any way of listening to touch screen events etc. Am I right?

14 years ago
Hi all,

Afew years ago we had developed some midlets for “non-touch screen” devices. Will these midlets work fine on touch screen devices?


14 years ago
Hi David,

Most of the job ads these days for J2EE developers require knowledge of frameworks. I have seen struts, spring and hibernate etc mentioned at many places. So primarily I would like to learn something that I can use while developing java based web applications. So yes learning for a job is a goal.

Hi David,

Thanks a lot for the reply.

What in your opinion should be my goals if I want to use frameworks? Which framework should I learn to start with?


I have been developing web applications for afew months now and have a good understanding of Servlets, JSP, JDBC and application of MVC design pattern.

Question 1:
The next step in the learning process is Frameworks. Why do we need them? Why cannot we just develop applications based on Servlets and JSP?

Question 2:
If it is necessary to learn and use frameworks which one should I start with?
