Vijay Nimkarde

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since Oct 16, 2008
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Recent posts by Vijay Nimkarde

Thanks This will be very helpful , I will get back hear again If i need.
14 years ago
Thanks Ivan for your reply.

I have 3 questions in my mind.

1)It is really surprising to develop web services with only the Java SE 6 JDK? Is that really ? .
2)Can we develop web service without using test-tool such as soapUI and a packed sniffer,or Wireshark , whats the main purpose of these tools ?
3)what actually web service stack, is also optional ?

please I am actually want to develop the web service soon for the client.

14 years ago
Hi ,
I am Java developer working on the core Java and J2ee. but i am not aware with Java Web services.

What are the tools and other things I need to create a web Services ?

please reply .
Thanks in advanced.
14 years ago
Issue Resolved
I found some where on the Net
see the code

String mailId=(String)ContactUs.this.getString(R.string.contactus8);
Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, Uri.fromParts(
"mailto",mailId, null));
//emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{mailId});
emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);

In this the mail id is getting prepopulated in to the To field .

Still thanks all that replies me
14 years ago
@ Jenifer Private and Peter Raftos
thanks guys your things realy works.
14 years ago
@ Ulf Dittmer , Hardik Trivedi

See now I used the following code

public void sendEmail(Context context,String subject,String body)
final Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
String mailId="";
emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{mailId});
emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);
context.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(emailIntent, "Send Mail..."));
}catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
Log.v("BBUtils", "Exception while sending email. "+ex);
called text as

String mySubject="Testmail";
String myBodyText="This is simple test body";
sendEmail(ContactUs.this, mySubject, myBodyText);

and i will see the output as in attachments
in that i got the subject whatever i passed but I don't get the email Id Prepopulated as body to whom i am sending the mail.

See the Attachments
14 years ago
@ Ulf Dittmer
thanks for reply.
I have made this change but still the problem remains the same.
I have tested on device also. Not getting the solution.

can we send mails through Java Api . or any other ways that should work in android?
14 years ago
I have a issue while sending the mail through android.
I am trying to send the mail at that time it shows no application can perform this action

see my code as belows :

public void sendEmail(Context context,String subject,String body)

final Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
String mailId="[email protected]";
emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL,new String[]{mailId});
emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);

context.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(emailIntent, "Send Mail..."));

please reply me .
thanks in advanced .
14 years ago

Pramod P Deore wrote: If after cleaning project and restarting eclipse doesn't solve your issue then you have to create new project and copy paste your code to new project.

@ Pramod P Deore
Thats right ... but creating a new project after each time cleaning is not the proper way.
14 years ago
@ Misha van Tol
thanks for reply.
Yes I was tried by cleaning the project but there is shows errors at project icon in eclipse and project will not run because of error
and I dont understand what exactly error.
14 years ago
Hi ,
I have configured the Android SDK in eclipse and all things are working fine,
But when I clean the project in eclipse cleans out and it is not possible to get
. How to get back after clean the project in eclipse?

or Is this solution that ...Not to clean the project just build and run?
Thanks in Advanced .
14 years ago
@ Lester Burnham
thanks for your reply.

I think you are right.
14 years ago
@ Misha van Tol thanks for reply
Yes , I have already read that link,
suppose there are 3 values in spinner 1.Mercury 2. Venus3.Earth
and there is already selected 3rd value and i have select 2nd OK then OnItemSelectedListener 's onItemSelected is gets called
but at that point when i click on spinner and again select the same value i.e 2nd then OnItemSelectedListener no mehtod gets called
then at this point i have to handle further event on same selection also.

14 years ago
Hi , This is Vijay ,
I am Android begginer .
I have problem of Spinner on same selecting value of the spinner which event gets called.
or when onNothingSelected methods gets called .
please help me
Thanks in advanced
14 years ago
Sorry ! Still I do not understand !
Can you tell me David how the flow goes of struts with form bean ?
If my Query is Wrong please correct it.!
14 years ago