vijay kumar dahiya

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since Oct 19, 2008
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public static void main(String[] args) {
String s="vijay kumar";

ouput is:
s.lastIndexOf('k') is: 6
s.lastIndexOf('k',4) is: -1
s.lastIndexOf('k',9) is: 6

please write me how it print is:
s.lastIndexOf('k',4) is: -1
s.lastIndexOf('k',9) is: 6

15 years ago
Dear Sir,
Some time Generator tab of Live HTTP headers show that:

and some time show that:

Under Generator tab:
On Right side:
Under Show have four check boxes- redirects,invalid,images,CSS.images and CSS are checked.
Under Request have one check box request which is By default unchecked.

But Headers tab show empty.
[ December 14, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
After click on Submit button,Headers Tab of Live HTTP headers window display blank.
But Generator Tab show that matter:

And some time Generator tab show that matter:

please help me..

[ UD: removed irrelevant stuff that was screwing up the layout ]
[ December 14, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
That matter of Live HTTP headers after click on Submit button then open a Live HTTp headers window It show blank then downloading the image and open it but it show a image by Photo Gallery then I close the photo Gallery.After that that matter appears in Live HTTP headers window.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
At run time different window are open in the same browser.
"Capture" checkbox is also checked of LiveHTTPHeader window.
Of LiveHTTPHeader window have four tabs-Headers,Generator,Config,About.
Here I paste the matter of Header Tab.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
I am using Live HTTP headers.So I am not know more about it.
I thing your mean

from Tools option have a Live HTTP headers menu.
when I click on Live HTTP headers new window of Live HTTP headers appears.
Its Text area show some matters.That matter I will paste here ?

Actually Sir,
I am not guess exactly what are you talking for.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
Its not show a new thing.
Same previous.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
I install the Live HTTP headers 0.14 from Google in Firefox.
Also appearing a new menu of Live HTTP headers in Tools options.
I run the weblogic on Firefox and run that progarm but same issue persist.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
Can you give me any example How I use LiveHTTPheaders extension or any reference of that.I try did at better at my level.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
I simply changing in Home.html.Now I send only one thing that is Image.
Now loop is executed only once.
Home.html: is same
But same problem exist.It not display on servlet,Its appear a downloaded form and downloaded on disk when click on save button.Other thing is that It not a .jpg form.that mean It does not open by photo gallery.that message show file format not supported by Photo Gallary.
please help me..
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
Yes, loop are executed twice when sending one request.
I used that:

But same problem exist.
16 years ago
Oh,Sorry for that:
Actually Its My home.html file:

Problem are still persist.
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
Before call the setContentType("image/jpg");
Server side show:

and at run time It not display on servlet,Its appear a downloaded form and downloaded on disk when click on save button.Other thing is that It not a .jpg form.that mean It does not open by photo gallery.that message show file format not supported by Photo Gallary.
Please help..
16 years ago
Dear Sir,
I try this:
But use above code It not display on servlet,Its appear a downloaded form and downloaded on disk when click on save button.Other thing is that It not a .jpg form.that mean It does not open by photo gallery.that message show file format not supported by Photo Gallary.
when I add that line:
then servlet show a small icon not show a proper image.
and server side show:

please help me I try this program from a long time.
16 years ago