Shivaji Byrapaneni

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since Oct 20, 2008
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No im using multi action form controller and it is the only controller that i had and i had imported all the other xmls using import statemnt on top

14 years ago

I had a scenario like i need to log the statements for method start and end of each and every public method.

I had opted for spring AOP as it suits my requirements best..

Now i had flow like this

I used CGLib for proxy. so i had added thsi statement to my beans-config.xml

Now the problem is i can see logs for Builders,Delgators and DAOs only.

is it due to Controllers implementing something and rest not ?

Could any body please help me how to overcome this...?

i need the log statements to be printed for all the layers...

Many thanks in advance
14 years ago
go for onClick javascript event and call with the required URL.
15 years ago
is your init getting triggered after you had updated the values in the datatable...?
15 years ago
Using entities in the JSF managed bean can be done as entities are similar to Transfer Objects (TO) once they are detached form teh EntityManager persistent context. So it wont harm at any cost.

But one pinching thing about your query is using the entity manager in the JSF managed bean itself to persist or update the entities from the managed bean itself. Which is a wrong sign as Manged beans are not
1) Thread safe
2) Cant manage transactions
3) Not as secured as EJB
4) etc..

soooo it would be bad approach to use the entity manager to persist the entites or act on entities in the managed bean itself.
create a filter and get the request object in doFilter method

from the request get the session object and try something like this


which gives the last acess time of the session

try to get the current time then find the difference between them to get the time the session was not used.

from there if the session not being used time exceeds to your limit do this

get the response object and forward to login page or logout page as you wish liek this


15 years ago
i cant see you updating 'userVOArray' from where the data table is picking up the values.

plese do that to see the cahage.
15 years ago
welcome to JSF

please dont expect the code to be developed from forums

this link helps

please go through

all the best
15 years ago

which is under the secured list as specified in web.xml
in my web.xml i had this

my workpsace structure is like this

what exactly im doing is in my login page on click of submit im calling JAAS like this

please help
it will be more or less same like the standalone client looking up EJB
as the caller will be sitting on one JVM and calee will be on another JVM

which will be something like this

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
Object objref = ctx.lookup("ServiceNameYouWantToLookUp");

if you need to specify some properties then you need to go like this

props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "localhost:1099");//provide the EJB service address and port
Context context = new InitialContext(props);

this is for jboss. ihope similar things will be available for you in WAS as well
15 years ago
no other go other than submitting the page....
15 years ago
please make the class that you are trying to instantiate available to the JVM.
i mean in the CLASSPATH

mostly this error occurs when JVM cant find the class.
15 years ago
yes might be

i hope if i better explain my issue you can provide me with some solution

i will be having a set of pages which need to be accessed bya spcific set of people with specific roles

which im planning to make it through declarative security mechanisam so i added that configurations to web.xml

i made a login page and kept that outside so that it can be acessed by ppl. From the managed bean of my login page im triggering the jaas and getting my subject.

Here i need to set that subject or the principle in that subjetc some where so that my sessions remembers the user logged in.

from some forums i came to know that web.xml reads the request object getUserPrinciple() method to determine the role of the user logged in.

here my problem raises.

where should i set that user principle to request object and one more thing is that i cant even find a setter for that.

please correct me if that getUserPrinciple method is also not the correct one

please help

thanks in advance

i came to know that i need to keep the principle object in request object to
make the configured role availble to be acessible by web container to map with the roles provided in the web.xml

could any body help me letting knwo how cani keep the principle object to session..?

i tried this

it is giving null

Thanks in advance