I'm trying to generate the client code of a web service based on a wsdl file. This web service is used for communicating with IP cameras. The WSDL file is available here:
My first problem is that wsimport says that the wsdl file does not contain any services. To solve this problem, I've downloaded the wsdl file and added the following lines:
After this wsimport says the following:
So I used -extension and I was able to generate the source files.
Is this okay that I use a "dummy" service location just for generating the source codes?
Is it okay to use the -extension option, or should I define a service differently in the wsdl?
Next problem occurs when I would like to use the generated code. Actually I don't really know how to use it. I have a generated DeviceService class, so I try to instantiate it:
In case I use the wsdl location from the internet, then I get an error that the wsdl does not contain a service definition, so I try to use the modified wsdl file
In that case I receive the following error:
So I'm stuck at this point. Any idea what should I do differently to make this thing work?
I also don't really understand why do I have to specify the wsdl url again, since I generated the code from that wsdl.
Thanks in advance.