shashi wagh

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Recent posts by shashi wagh

I have Develop following Login
But It shows the Time out page After processing the request i.e. after 4 Sec.

I want to halt the Request Processing in 1 Sec.

Filter Code


I have also tried

Next Jsp

Result on Consol
14 years ago
Can you explain more how do I achieve the same using Javascript?

Sample Code or URL?
14 years ago
I know about the Session Time Out. n web.xml setting n all

I want to Implement Request Time Out.......

Say I put request http://localhost:8080/HRMS/ Servlet

It will hit the server and shows the Response on the browser.
I want the request should process within the specifies time Say 1 Sec.

If it takes more than 1 Sec. It should redirect to Some other page showing the Request Time is Out

14 years ago
How to implement Request Time Out in Web Application?

If request doesn't respond in 30Sec system should show Request Time Out Page.

How do I implement the same?
14 years ago
I don't want to west someones valuable time by posting on the different sites.

My aim was just I will get the different different opinion from the different Expertise.


14 years ago
I want to start new desktop application.

What should I use?

Eclipse RCP or Swing.....

Application Requirement
1. Should handle Very Large Data
2. Faster data Access
3. Optimal Memory usage
4. Graphical Report >> Cart >> Pivot kind of report >> Filtering >> sorting >> paging etc.
5. Database Independent.

I am thing of
Swing + EJB 3.0?

but existing application is in Eclipse RCP.

So how Swing will be useful than RCP?

14 years ago
Following are the Steps which I have performed

1 Created EJB 3 application in Myeclipse
2 Deployed it on JBoss 4.2
3 Created a Java Application in MyEclipse
4 Configure the build path to access the EJB application
5 Start the Server
6 Run the Application in MyEclipse.
7 It Works Fine.

Now I export the Client application to Jar --------> TestClient.jar
Now I export the Interfaces in EJB application to --------> TestBeanInterface.jar

Following is the command I used to run the Client
java -cp "TestBeanInterface.jar;jbossall-client.jar";TestClient.jar com.gts.ejbdemo.client.MyBeanClient

N got the following output

Tell me what is I am doing wrong.........

But when I export all ejb application to jar It works................

Edited by: shashiwagh on Feb 26, 2010 4:53 AM

I have a EJB 3 application which is deployed on JBoss server.

I have develop a java application which access the EJB. It works fine when both application on same machine.

My problem is I want to place EJB @ centralized location and client @ remote places.

If any changes happen to EJB it should not required to rebuild the jar @ every places.

I am calling EJB like this

When I put it on different machine It will not get MyBeanRemote class cause it is not @ every client machine

Please suggest something

I want to extend this application to SWING and calling EJB from Swing app. so that GUI is @ client side and Business Logic is @ server.

I have tried the same but then also getting the same error

con = getDataSource().getConnection();
Connection connection = this.con;

Connection physicalCon = ( (WrappedConnection)connection ).getUnderlyingConnection();

OracleCallableStatement ocs = (OracleCallableStatement)physicalCon
.prepareCall( "begin sh_give_me_an_array(:x); end;" );

17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.gts.crmw.login.dao.LoginDao.getTopMenu(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.gts.crmw.login.service.LoginServices.getTopMenu(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.gts.crmw.login.facade.LoginFacade.callService(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.gts.crmw.login.action.LoginAction.getTopMenu(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.gts.crmw.login.action.LoginAction.executeLogic(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.gts.crmw.common.action.CrmwActionSupport.execute(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invokeAction(
17:16:44,593 ERROR [STDERR] at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invokeActionOnly(
15 years ago
Actually I am able to read the pdf file line by line

but the problem is my pdf consist of a table and I want to read the data Cell by Cell so that I can get the whole contents of the cell.
Cell data may have space, so I can't use space a data separator.

Please suggest something

15 years ago
How do I convert PDF file to excel.

I want cell to cell conversion.

It should not on space as a delemeter.
15 years ago
I am using TOAD [editor] to compile it
15 years ago
I have java program, when I compile it in Oracle I got following error
ORA-29521: referenced name java/lang/StringBuilder could not be found

because oracle has older jdk.

How do I change the compiler level to JDK 1.5 or above to compile my program.
Note: I don't want to change the code for older compatibility.

Please Help me...............

15 years ago
I have written a function to Round the Double value upto 2 decimal point it works fine
but for some value is gives wrong result

Here is the Code

Wrong Out put is as follows for 66089.1

value * multiply==>6608910.000000001

Correct Out put is as follows for 66089.34578

value * multiply==>6608934.578000001

Pleas help me
15 years ago

Anybody watching

Suggest something (Steps or ideas or any Reference Link)
