Loganathan Karunakaran

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Recent posts by Loganathan Karunakaran


a[0] -> 1
c : 1
a[1] -> 1
c : 2
a[2] -> 1
c : 2

probably you want to put the  line int b = 0; before the for loop.

8 years ago
Hi All,

I have a doubt regarding idempotence. I read in head-first servlets and jsp that post() methods are non-idempotent as per specification.
Say, I have a link which calls a post() method that updates some thing in database. Does it mean that if I click twice or thrice, it will invoke only once.

How post() methods server the purpose of non-idempotence.

Thanks in Advance.
Loganathan. K
Hi All,

I have a doubt regarding idempotence. I read in head-first servlets and jsp that post() methods are non-idempotent as per specification.
Say, I have a link which calls a post() method that updates some thing in database. Does it mean that if I click twice or thrice, it will invoke only once.

How post() methods server the purpose of non-idempotence.

Thanks in Advance.
Loganathan. K
10 years ago
Hi All,

I need some help with javascript. I have a combobox(dropdown) with the following data

<option value='1'> AAA</option>
<option value='2'> BBB</option>
<option value='3'> CCC</option>
<option value='4'> DDD</option>

When I select something, I see the numbers. For eg. if I select CCC, it displays 3.But I want to show CCC. How could I do this.
I need to hide the values from showing to user.

11 years ago
Cheers . Congrats...
11 years ago
Hi All,

I wanted to writh this exam web component certification for quite a long time, but I didn't get enough time to prepare.
I am planning to prepare for this time from this month. But couple of my team mates say that Web component (servlets) is very old technology & outdated.
Is it worth investing time to prepare for this exam and appear for it. Please advise.

Thanks & regards
Loganathan. K
Great. Cograts. Nice subject to your topic
12 years ago

I just added two print statements:

here is the output:


The below concepts would help to understand the output:

Default Values:

In this class, the variable 'boo2' is not initialized. If the member and static variables are not initialized, they would get default values. example, booleans get a default value of false, integers get a default value of 0.

Hence the value of 'boo2' is false in this example

instanceof operator:
This operator is used to check whether an object falls under certain type. Every object inherits the class 'Object'. So the variable boo3 is set to true

Order of precedence:

& operator has higher precedence than the | operator.

So, (boo1 & boo2 | boo2 & boo3 | boo2 ), after substituting the values will be like below:

( true & false | false & true | false ) will result in
( false | false | false ) will result in
( false )

Similarly, ( boo3 & boo2 | boo2 & boo1 | boo2 | boo1) will result in

( true & false | false & true | false | true )
( false | false | false | true )

Hope this helps,



I am creating few WSDLs and I want to share the error messages across these WSDL. Currently I am repeating the error messages in all the WSDL files. Is there a way to put all the common messages and re-use it in different WSDL. Please assist.

12 years ago

I have added a arraylist to the model variable. I need to get this list in the view JSP and use it as array. I need to use this list in a javascript function. I don't want to use the for each tags.
Could you please help me with this.

Thanks and regards
Loganathan. K
E: [email protected]
12 years ago

I can't say it authoritatively. But I took the exam on August 13th and there were no drag and drop questions. Also I have seen in some some of the posts that there were no drag and drop questions recently.


I agree with whatever Ankit said.

Disclaimer : Based on what-ever knowledge I possess, I am giving this answer.

Note: 1) You have placed the class 'A' inside the package 'AA'. So you can't access the class 'A' in Simple.java directly.
Either you have to import it from the package 'AA' or use the fully qualified class name as AA.A

2) Since the class 'A' is in the package 'AA', the folder which consists the AA package should be in the class path, i.e. nothing but 'com' which is the current working directory as per your post.
So actually you don't need the classpath

3) If you want to access a class from a different package in your class, you need to import it or use fully qualified name. I think you can't get the class using 'Classpath'.
As you know Classpath just tells the compiler to look in the path for the classes

With this said, there are two ways to get the output "Inside class A"

Solution 1: just import the class A

com>javac Sample.java
com>java Sample
Inside Class A

Solution 2: Use the fully qualified class name AA.A

com>javac Sample.java
com>java Sample
Inside Class A

i couldn't download in pdf format. can any one send me the link?

Hi, this topic was originally posted in the year 2005. Kindly check the date of the post.

Thanks and regards