netharam ram

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since Aug 09, 2001
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Recent posts by netharam ram

Hi friends, I'm back after a very long time. I'll explain clearly why I need this. I want to send bulk sms to different contacts and also read their replies. I don't want any additional text attached to my SMS. I have a Nokia 3310 and connect it using a serial cable. I want a java application to send sms thro' my mobile directly rather than connecting to a website.

Just the same as the oxygen Activex control in VB, if someone has come across it. :roll:

Thank You in Advance.
18 years ago
My application plays a wav file on wrong password prompted from an InputDialog. The Code is:
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.applet.AudioClip;
public class Snd_Plyr
public Snd_Plyr()
public static void play_snd(final String fname)
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run()
URL url = new URL("file", System.getProperty("user.dir"), fname);
AudioClip audioclip = Applet.newAudioClip(url);;
System.out.println("Music Played..");
catch(Exception exception)
System.out.println("Play:" + exception);
I play using
Whenever the user gives a wrong password the sound file is played only for a second & then the main thread starts displaying the InputDialog for the InputDialog is displayd until correct password. write a better code for me Pls.
Happy middling with java.
20 years ago
I have a JList with the ListSelectionListener, which displays the list of image files in the specified dir. When the item in the list is selected the corresponding image is displayed in a JLabel. The problem is I have the code as:
<JList>.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener()
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent sev)
System.out.println("Calling getImages() from list");
//System.out.println("Client: "+getClient());
I get the output as :
Calling getImages() from list
Calling getImages() from list
the value changed is executed twice. Pls. give me a soln.
Happy middling with java.
20 years ago
My application prompts for a password on startup. I use InputDialog, but the problem is the password is open to everybody i.e it isn't masked & it comes with Ok_Cancel. when the user clicks on cancel I get an Exception, it isn't solved even when the exception was caught. Is there any other way to solve this prblm.?
Happy middling with java.
20 years ago
Hi Everybody I'm back after a very long time. Nate hope u remember me.
I have a JFrame & when my application starts I want to display a message (another window,Modal to the JFrame) for eg("Loading Images... "), How can I do this? At the same time my application should not be slowed down. This window must vanish after a few seconds (eg.3 secs).Please help me do this.
Advanced Thanks for u'r reply.
Happy middling with java
20 years ago
Hi narasim I think u r looking for a simple tool that will convert u'r java class file into an exe , so that u can run that easily. I have a simple tool for u jexepack.
As far as I know the basic idea behind this is they code the entire java file in 'C' & then compile it into an exe file. Try this out & reply if this does not help u out, for I have some other options too.
Think in the way, Others Don't
[ August 07, 2003: Message edited by: netharam ram ]
21 years ago
Hi, Friends I'm back after a long time. Currently I'm a bit away from java & busy with a VB project, Suddenly I remembered a doubt of mine
"What are legacy Classes?"
Detailed explanation required Plz.
22 years ago
Can anyone suggest me of a simple way to do it?
Happy Middling with java.
22 years ago
How can I restrict the maximum length of the value in a Password Field as well as JTextField. I'm using a JPasswordField to get the password form the user & I want to restrict the length of the password to 8 characters. Plz. help me do this,as well as in a JTextField.
Happy middling with java.
22 years ago
Hi, I have a JFrame,that contains a 3 Textfields & two buttons. On click of a button the JPanel1 should be displyed & when the other button is clicked another JPanel with 3 fields is made visible exactly over that of the previous JPanel. This is to save space in the application. So button1 displays JP1 & button2 displays JP2 exactly in the place of JP1.
The current Layout is BorderLayout.U can suggest in anyother llayout too like GridBag layout.
Happy middling with java.
22 years ago
Hi, I'm using a JPasswordField to get the password form the user.Now I wish to mask & unmask the password typed according to the user's wish.I wish to do this using a CheckBox as in the case of other general applications(winzip, etc.)
Plz. reply this positively.
Happy middling with java.
22 years ago
Ya this sounds better for me.We can also supply a new password instead of retreiving it.
This is ok in the case of passwords,now I have another problem.
I also collect the name of the system which i should contact & store it in a file.I use sockets to connect to that particular system.If it is encrypted & couldn't be decrypted then how can I open the socket & enable the connection?Can u suggest me of something that would solve this?
Happy middling with java.
22 years ago
Hi I tied your code & it worked fine,but I've got another problem.I wish to display the password anytime the user requests fot it,but you'r code will not retrieve the original text.How can I solve this one?is it possible?Please reply this one too.
Happy middling with java.
22 years ago
Hi, Thank you for u'r kind reply at the same time sorry for disturbing u a lot for the code.I could have tried it myself, but I was stuck up & was mentally upset.
Thanks again.
Happy middling with java.
22 years ago