Pankaj Upadhyay

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since Nov 06, 2008
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This question was always very tough for me. So better to pick a few perceptions about me:-

My cubicle mate knows me as: A boring musically challenged person (as his taste is rock and I am a die hard ghazal fan)
My collegues know me as: A so so developer who knows a little aplication security
My friends know me as: A bragger who knows only to brag about the things, A happy-go-lucky person
My family knows me as: A very sweet creature brought to this world only for them

Hope this helps..
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Well, first of all apology for the typo.. was in a hurry so..

Actually I have an overview of these things but it is always good when someone like 'Maria' answers such questions.. See I got a new thing for cube browsing and wow its based on GWT...

I am looking at it.. Thanks for the reply, Maria


Well, it could be out of context but I would like to start from the basics. My question is how JPivot, Mondrian and Pentaho is related?

I would love if you can just brief me about all of them and how they are related.

you need to insert at least one role and one user in your DB as you can see from the error stack , the following query is failing...

select * from users where user_name like 'admin'

Hope this helps and hope this thread is not a zombie :P
14 years ago
Welcome Peter!!

I have read about this book and it sounds fascinating to read about the developers who are not that famous as their managers are.

How come you had chosen only 15 coders in this vast coder world? My two favs are not in the list - David Bradley who created 'Control+Alt+Delete', a thing which even a common man knows and Joshua Schachter - who created Delicious

There are just many many guys there coding day and night...
I am desperately looking for your book and lets see if I can get that in India. BTW I won't mind even winning it here :P

Thanks for the book Peter. Hope now a trend comes and people start knowing the developers also..

Pankaj Upadhyay
14 years ago
Deleting my post..don't want to offend anyone..

[ UD: Please do not post unrelated questions into existing posts. That's called "hijacking" and is frowned upon. Instead, start a new thread. ]
Hi Paul

I am using iFrame's DesignMode property to show an editor. User performs some operation which generates default HTML elements. I just add HTML and BODY tage beafore and after the content and then use Tidy to verify my HTML and then use FOP.

Hope I am clear, if not let me know what else info you require.

14 years ago
Dear All

I am using Apache FOP technology to convery an HTML document into a PDF. Since the day this functionality was developed, it is broken and I found out that if generated HTML contains "nbsp;" Pdf generation fails and I get the message that the file is damaged.

I am using xhtml2fo.xsl for rendering of the FO elements which is an open source tool for rendering onto PDF document.

I think I have to customize the xsl but I dont know how to do that. Can anyone suggest a way to achieve that? Are any other tools available in the market? Howz iText in converting HTML to PDF?

Let me know if you need more details from my side.

14 years ago
One more point-

ServletContext is an object which contains information about all servlets in a JVM so in case you are using multiple JVMs, servlet context would behave differently for different JVMs
14 years ago
I will say just don't go by the name and think its for renaming. It is simply a 'move' command which helps in moving a file from a source path to a target path. So if this command executes successfully, file/directory will be moved to target path and file will not exist in the source path. The main thing which we should note here is that this action is platform dependent.

Sun API says..

Whether or not this method can move a file from one filesystem to another is platform-dependent. The return value should always be checked to make sure that the rename operation was successful.

Java compiler compiles java code and convert it to some machine language which is only understood by java interpreter. This language is known as 'byte code'. Now this is why java called platform independent because this interpreter can be different for different OS. This interpreter reads the special assembly instructions written in byte code and converts into assembly language understood by the lying OS which exactly runs your program..

14 years ago
There were no certifications available on 'Application Security' before but thanks to SANS, now you have GIAC in C, java and dot net.

Hone your java and security skills and then go for this certification. It is becoming popular among security professionals. More details can be found at:
(See Software Security)
14 years ago
Thanks for the correction. Basically I am not good in forming sentences thats why I always love to ask that my answer was clear or not.

you are absolutely right. This is polymorphism. Basically I was trying to help with the correct answer.

Hope I did that :P
Please do correct me If I am wrong..

Overriding is a concept which occurs at runtime basically so methods will be overridden at runtime but variables has been assigned during compile time. Thats why you will get parent in your case but if you do the same thing with a method, you will get Child's method..

Hope I am clear.