Amit K Jain

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Any inputs on this, please?
11 years ago
I am working on migrating JSF (1.1)application from WAS 6.1 to 7. My JSF page contains few <hx:> tags. I know that these tags are part of WAS 5 and 6 server, hence it is not rendering correctly on WAS 7 and presenting !!jsftagmarker!!!jsftagmarker!! !!jsftagmarker!!!jsftagmarker!!.

Could you please advise what could be the replacement for these tag or how can we make these tags working on WAS 7?

Thanks in advance.

11 years ago
I resolved this by putting the jsf-ibm.jar in lib folder.
12 years ago
I have been working on migrating the web application from WAS 6.1 to 7. While migrating the application I am also migrating the application from RAD 7 to MyEclipse 10
The web application uses Flex for UI and NOT JSF.

I could successfully migrate the applicayion from RAD to MyEclipse. However, after the deploying the application on WAS 7, I get the following error while starting the application. Since the application was in running status in admin console, I tried to access the first page of the application, but it appears to be a 404 error. It seems the application is not deployed.
Could someone please advise how I can fix it? I did google for this issue but no luck so far. Please help.

12 years ago
Hi Bear,

Sorry if I posted it at wrong place.
My question is more on JSP application and I put the Javascript code to mention what I tried. I am certainly not expecting the answer from Javascript point of view only. It can be any solution that can be implemented in JSP web application.


Could you please guide me on this?

I have to web applications running on two different servers. I am trying to open a page on one server in new window from the page on another server, however I get the error access denied.

this is the parent URL:;id=511 on which I have a hyperlink pointing to the link http://localhost:9085/EPOApp/child.jsp.

Below are the snippet:
On the parent page I have

< a onclick="'http://localhost:9085/EPOApp/child.jsp');">EPO < /a>

In child.jsp below is the Javascript code to read the parent url on onload event.

Can someone please help how to resolve this issue? If it is a 'cross origin resource sharing' concept, how can it be implemented here.

Okay. So I tried document.referrer to get parent URL which resolved the issue.

Hi Eric,

Thanks you for your reply.

Yes. It is resolved by using 'window.opener.location.href'. I could print the value in alert for 'window.opener.location' which looks as expected hence moved on to split it. I do not have the right utility to debug the JS code and unfortunately I haven't done much work on JS. Can you please point me to any utility for it, any plugins in FireFox and its user guide?

BTW after making 'window.opener.location.href' working I notice that I can get the URL for parent window using 'window.opener.location.href' only when the parent and child window are running on same server and same application context. It doesn't work if they are in cross domain.
this is the parent URL: http://localhost:9083/support/openair_test.html?uid=3PsN9DoC4hGRxiqe0PJLMg;app=rm;r=6Mcykfw3198;action=edit;save_action=paint;booking_id=50401
The Child page : http://localhost:9085/EPOApp/child.jsp

Could you please advise if this is feasible in javascript or is there any way to achieve this?

I have to split the parent URL taken in child window to get a sub string out of it. If I use 'window.opener.document.location' to get the parent url and call split method it gives me the error below

Line: 15
Char: 1
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
URL: http://localhost:9085/EPOApp/epo_child.jsp

I am launching the jsp from the html parent window.

My jsp code for child window:

Can someone please help on this?

This is resolved. I had installed Websphere Java tool along with websphere 7 plugin which was causing the error. After unstalling the Webspher tool. issue is resolved.
12 years ago
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your post. Actually I am in need to set up Open Office tool to create .doc on fly with dynamic data. Looking at the forum of Open Office, they provided the installation/user guide for NetBean and Eclipse. I selected Eclipse as I am bit familiar with this IDE than NetBean.

Now I am able to configure websphere7 in Eclipse after installing the plugins in Eclipse IDE. I am able to run the server in Eclipse and could run 'Hello Word' jsp. (i.e. test jsp).

With resolving server configuration issue, I see a weird error when I open a test jsp in IDE.
ERROR: The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:0

However, I can successfully run the jsp on server. Could you please advise what could be the reason for this error and the resolution for this?

Thank you
12 years ago

I have Websphere7 and Eclipse (Version: Indigo Service Release 1) installed on my machine. Is it possible to configure websphere7 server in Eclipse? I have used RAD which has in built websphere servers configured, but not sure how to do this in Eclipse. Please advise.
12 years ago
Its my bad if I still could not explain the issue.
Just wanted to add on your recent comment: If I have deployed any web application on the server (here websphere), the web pages of that application can be accessed in the browser from any machine as long as the server is up and running. It is not necessary that I need to log in to the server, the application is deployed on. It's just a web application.

I gave you the sample link as http:\\localhost:9080\context\page.html because I am running the application on my local server which is built in my IDE. If I have to access this page from other machine, I may have to use the IP of my machine like http:\\<ip>\context\html.jsp.

Anyways, thank you for your time on this.

12 years ago

Whereas in the second case, that link "didn't work". Either because it couldn't connect to that particular server, or that it didn't receive a redirect request from that server, or that it didn't handle the redirect request correctly, or that it couldn't connect to the server named in the redirect request.

Possibly the reason could be any of you listed.
I realized that the difference between working and non working scenario is the 'websphere server'

I was in the impression that I might be missing something on my server, hence posted the question here. If you can advise if there is any way we can make the server talking to third party instance so that redirect works will be helpful.
I will shoot this question to Salesforce too if they have to say anything on this.

12 years ago
It means I have a html on my desktop and I opened it in the browser as a file. It works i.e. the image link redirects correctly
e.g. d:\\page.html

Another scenario was I push the same html on the websphere server and run it, the image link doesn't redirect and hence appears as broken.
e.g http:\\localhost:9080\context\page.html
12 years ago