So, I have a defined dialog (anchorpane) where a radio button activates either a choice box or a group of combo boxes. The group of combo boxes define +/- Hour and minute.
When the values are saved, say + 09 00 and I exit the dialog, then reenter the dialog. If I change the hour, (the minutes clear as intended), then if I select the same minutes 00 the combobox never sees the event. I added onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onAction, ChangeListener, but nothing will trigger.
This only happens when you re-enter the dialog, you change the hours and re-select the same minutes. If I select different minutes it works fine. I am at a loss as to why the listener is not being called. I know that when the hour is changed that the minutes combobox is being emptied and the selected index is being reset to -1. Then, the box gets filled with new values. I then select the new minutes 00, but no action is triggered.