Brian Legg

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since Nov 07, 2008
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Recent posts by Brian Legg

Having the accronym be part of what it stands for? Now that's what I call recursion

Bing = Bing is not Google = Bing is not Google is not Google = Bing is not Google is not Google is not Google = etc

15 years ago
Why not remove the edges entirely and have them curve upwards to keep the contents inside? Think of the shape as a flatter styled wok. This would keep your food in/on the skillet and would eliminate the edges.
15 years ago
John, the simple answer to your question is yes, you do want to store that data in some type of file or DB. If you are saving that information inside an object that is only in memory than every time your server resets or you have to start the application over again you will lose all of your data. Personally I would recommend using a lightweight DB program like MySQL to store the info. This makes it easy to check for existing players, and other data gathering without having to reinvent the wheel.

GL and hope to see you on the JavaRanch Game Forums as well.
15 years ago

David Newton wrote:When Java is your hammer, everything starts to look like a thumb.

Hmmm... you didn't say everything starts to look like a nail, so I assume that using Java makes you worried that anything you hit will break something (like your finger)?
15 years ago
Please site your sources when posting code

Sergio C. Campos J. wrote:All the example codes I found didn't work when placed in my program.

That is alarming! If you have specific examples of code that you could not get to work that you found in the Java Docs/Tutorials you should definately post your code here for review. Figuring out why a Sun provided example doesn't work on your machine would be my top priority.

Also, it's just Brian, and your welcome
15 years ago
Campbell, while your solution to the question was how to do this in Swing I'm not sure the original poster meant "in a swing app". Maybe they were just using the word paint loosely?
15 years ago
I play the role of a Java Developer with an overactive imagination and an unhealthy obsession with squids in real life.
15 years ago
I think Java is "relatively" easy compared with other front runners like C++. It also depends on what experiences you've had in the past. Coming from a procedural programming background may actually be more of a hindrence than an asset as compared to a newcomer. Java has a rich language, plenty of documentation (although sometimes to techy), lots of tutorials, a huge community, and a large array of open source tools available. I think all of these factors combined can make Java quite a bit easier than learning other languages. I wouldn't let the fact that you couldn't find resources to help you with 1 thing (random numbers) sway your entire opinion of Java. Give it another shot, more time, and more visits to these here forums.
15 years ago

fred rosenberger wrote:To me, RPGs let you... Role Play. I am still in a paper-n-pencils group that (tries to) meet once a week. The funnest moments are when you do something the GM didn't expect... In other words, there may be 3 possible choices - the left hall, the right hall, or straight ahead. The team decides to go into the air ducts...

We have had sessions where the whole night was spent in the town arguing with the various shop keepers over how much we should pay for our 50' rope and our 10' poles (you know, standard dungeon crawl equipment that everyone carries).

I don't see the ability to do that on a computer RPG. Everything has to be pre-determined. You can't 'go off the script', even if that script gives you 12 choices. Every time I play, I start 'meta-gaming', and try and figure out which choice will give me what I want.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy them all IMMENSELY, but I don't consider them RPGs.

*sigh* I spend 20 mins typing up a responce only to have it lost somehow. I'm not retyping it all out again, other than to say I completely agree with you here Fred. The "go off the script" fun you refer to is something that is only a dream in the video game world and may never exist, also a video game is hard pressed to pump out as much fun and exitement as a group of real friends can. However, you still technically play a role in an RPG however limited that role is. I look at RPG video games more like an interactive book or anime than I do a virtual world where I play a character in that world. I think the closest video games have gotten to the D&D games you described would be MMORPG's which get that role playing feel again from real humans. I think that the closer video games come to creating a visual layer between actual humans without restricting thier imaginations the closer we'll get to true RPG games. Not to mention creating something so addictive I'd have to break my pc in order to keep my wife
15 years ago
Funny post

You may want to change your name though, the mods will warn you soon enough.
15 years ago
Blocked from work. Could you copy/paste or give a run-down?
15 years ago
Curious, what file-type are you using Sudhakar? XML?
15 years ago
These may not be that "oldschool", but a few of my absolute favorite RPGs of all time are:

Lunar 1 & 2 for PS
Final Fantasy 2 & 3 for Super Nintendo
Final Fantasy 7 & 8 for PS

I'm not going to list every RPG I've ever played, but those are my absolute favorites. I bring this up because I just rebought the collectors edition of Lunar 2 this weekend for $85 and I'm replaying it now. I guess it's become semi rare in the passing years, or something.

I also collect strategy guides for RPGs, and I've even got the very first strategy guide ever made. It was released by Nintendo and covered about 25 different games from Kid Icarus to Goonies.

I want to hear what some of your favorite RPGs are (or other game types). Have you ever paid too much for a game that you just had to have? Have any rare games?

Happy Friday all
15 years ago
wow... took me 4 tries to post that. The boards are really acting up today
15 years ago