bhaskar nagaraja

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since Aug 10, 2001
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Recent posts by bhaskar nagaraja

hi all ,
I am very new to java .My requirement is i have to write some data from java to xml file and vice versa i.e i have to read from xml file to java .Since i am very new , i am totally confused how to go about.So if any one could put some light on this matter, it will be of great help
Thanks in advace,

hello all,
Actually i am using calender class and Timestamp class adn storing the date with time in the sql database , but the thing is while retreiving the date , the second part of the time is not displaying , so can u suggest me how to get the date along wiht time along with seconds .
Thanks in advance,
[This message has been edited by bhaskar nagaraja (edited October 16, 2001).]
hello Macros Maia,
i have a problem in wl6 clustering .actually when u r speaking about weblogic clustering , there are few points , one is failover,load baclancing and clustering .Actually when we give that multicast address and create cluster from console in wl6 , failover and load balancing is acheived but what my probblem is "suppose u have that petstore application on one server which is clustered to serveral other say 2 other servers.Now suppose u r buying two things from this petstore web application and u r adding these to items to chart and at the backend , the main server fails , so it will automatically connected to other server as they are all in cluster.But now in the front end the customer does not know all these , so after adding 2 items , he goes for one more item , so now he has to get 3 items displayed in the chart , but this is not happening , instead of 3rd item , it counts it as first item , the old two item's transaction is lost .so in the real world scenario , this should not happen , so kindly suggest me where am i wrong .
Thanks in advance

22 years ago
hi ,
I wanted to know if anybody could help to popup a dialog or message as and when there is an entry of a record in the database , assuming sql server.Should i do something in the front end application or at the backend , should i write some trigger ?
Thanks in advance
[This message has been edited by bhaskar nagaraja (edited October 05, 2001).]
22 years ago
hello Hong ,
actually when u r speaking about weblogic clustering , there are few points , one is failover,load baclancing and clustering .Actually when we give that multicast address and create cluster from console in wl6 , failover and load balancing is acheived but what my probblem is "suppose u have that petstore application on one server which is clustered to serveral other say 2 other servers.Now suppose u r buying two things from this petstore web application and u r adding these to items to chart and at the backend , the main server fails , so it will automatically connected to other server as they are all in cluster.But now in the front end the customer does not know all these , so after adding 2 items , he goes for one more item , so now he has to get 3 items displayed in the chart , but this is not happening , instead of 3rd item , it counts it as first item , the old two item's transaction is lost .so in the real world scenario , this should not happen , so kindly suggest me where am i wrong .
Thanks in advance
22 years ago
Hello Hong ,
Its very nice to know that u have succeeded in doing clustering for wl6, can u please share with us , how u went around , As we tried but we are not getting any result.
Thanks in advance.
22 years ago
hi ,
if u r trying to map bea weblogic with oracle , u need to append the follwing to ur PATH .
also in the url u need to mention the oracle service name i.e
URL=jdbc:weblogic racle:bhavani(in ur case)
where bhavani is the service name of the oracle 8i server.
22 years ago
hi ,
we even tried clustering on 3-month licence copy also but still we are not able to achieve in-memory replication .so can anyone put some light on this?
22 years ago
Hi !!! we are working on bea weblogic server from 1 month and we are not able to achieve the in-memory replication of Clustering of Bea WebLogic Server .Actually failover from one server to another server is happening , even load balancing is happening between two bea webloic servers but actual transaction happening on one server is not continued with the other rather a new transaction starts of from other server.So if anybody can put some light on this , we will be thankful to them.
Thanks in Advance
22 years ago