Roberto Campione

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since Nov 13, 2008
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Hi All,

I'm relatively new with portal and portlets so I'll explain this as best I can.

I have a portlet, say a View portlet, that changes it's view based on a user setting. There could be numerous View portlets, each with their own setting - i.e. one would show a list of 10, the other a list of 20 etc.

The user sets the number of list items.

Question: How do I store this value to be unique to a individual portlet? So if I set a value on View portlet A, I don't want it to be set of View portlet B.

I've tried a number of options:

- PortletPreferences
- PortletSession
- PortletContext

but none of them suit my needs.

Anybody got any ideas?
16 years ago