Hi i am using axaj to get the values for the dropdown. i have values in the form of pair as docid and its name. the name i want to display in the drop down and its value should be docID. so for this i have below code:
//Insert the values
var resultStringArr = new Array();
//reslutSringArrdocid= resultString.split('=');
resultStringArr = resultString.split(",");
for(var n = 0; n < resultStringArr.length-1; n++) {
grpElement.add(new Option(resultStringArr[n],resultStringArr[n]));
grpElement.disabled = false;
result string will be in this form: docid=abc,docid2=bcd,
so here docid i want to put as value and display name in the dropdown as abc
from the code so resultStringArr = resultString.split(",");
i am able to split the line and now i am getting in the drop down as docid=abc next value as docid2=bcd
so i want to further split this into docid and abc so that docid will be the value and display name will be abc.
Can any one provide me code for this .