Gaja Venkat

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I am using HSSF POI to create an Excel sheet. I am in need of sorting this sheet based on a column value. If you know how to do this, please let me know.

How to access the JFCUnit.jar file in JBuilder?
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Hi Sunny,
Congratulations on passing the exam and thanks for the tips!!
Scoring 83% without any exam certification book, sounds great!
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
22 years ago
Thanks Muhammad - the candidate guide does say that the first exam can be any one - Oracle 9i SQL or Oracle SQL & PL/SQL!
Thanks Sunny - I am already a member of OTN.
Rishi - I am sorry, but I too do not know why two different exams and whether PL/SQL is covered later as I haven't gone through the objectives in detail.
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Gaja Venkat ]
22 years ago
One solution for emailing HTML forms is to use Java Mail. For this two jar files are required - one named mail.jar from java mail and another named activation.jar from Java Activation Framework(JAF). These two can be downloaded from . More information can be obtained by following FAQ link of this page.
After proper installtion, you can display the html form using JSP and use Java Bean to extract the form fields. Then you may write another JSP for sending the mail. This JSP should ideally be doing the following:
1) Get the values of the form fields using the same Java Bean (discussed above)
2) Create a new session for sending mail
3) Create a new message and set the values for relevant fields such as To, From etc., and format the message body using the setText method.
4) Send the message
Many links to articles on using Java Mail are available on the same url given in first paragraph.
Hope this is helpful.
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Gaja Venkat ]
The following statements are not clear to me

After changing context path in server.xml - has no effect. I still need to include it in the path.

However I have explained below the addition of a new context to server.xml:
To add a context for c:\Tomcat4\webapps\webapp1, you have to add the following in server.xml at the appropriate place.
<Context path="/webapp1" docBase="webapp1" debug="0" reloadable="true">
Then restart/start tomcat server and access the files in webapp1 using "/webapp1" prefix. That is, to access a file say, send.jsp, use [URL=http://localhost:no/webapp1/send.jsp, where no is the port number to which tomcat server has been configured to listen.
Hope this helps.
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Gaja Venkat ]
Congratulations and thanks for the tips!!
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform

Yes, you can take either of these two.
9i SQL exam is cheaper (US$ 90), while the other one is US$125.

That is a news to me! I remember seeing two different exam codes for the first exam on two different pages of Oracle site; but then thought that was a mistake! Any idea, why two exams with different objectives and different costs?
By the way, will SQL exam alone be sufficient or will PL/SQL knowledge be tested in other exams?
Thanks a lot for sharing the information about two exams!
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
22 years ago

OH!!! waiting for the Jupiter-Mars-Venus alignment or what..........
sorry couldn't resist the dig.....

No just waiting for good questions to pop up in my mind!!
Asking questions is not easy - atleast in my opinion!
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certfied Programmer for Java 2 Platform

So I am looking forward to answer some questions and feel good....

Great! I hope to ask some SCWCD questions soon! By the way, I am in the process of preparing for the exam and going through specs etc., This forum is good & informative.
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certfied Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Congratulations, Satya!!
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
>>I was expecting to find getCharacterEncoding() on the ServletRequest and setCharacterEncoding(...) on the ServletResponse......
It sounds quite logical to expect ServletRequest interface to have getCharacterEncoding() only and ServletResponse interface to have a similar method for setting charset, say setCharacterEncoding(String var).
As we know, ServletRequest has setCharacterEncoding(String env) method inaddtion to getCharacterEncoding(). The spec gives a good reason for including setCharacterEncoding(String env) in ServletRequest interface.
If the client (i.e browser) does not send a character encoding qualifier, it is upto the container to decide the character encoding and the container uses the default encoding (ISO-8859-I). Here, if the request data is encoded with a different encoding other than the default, breakage occurs. To avoid this, setCharacterEncoding method has been added so that the devloper can override the character encoding suppiled by the container by calling this method. And, this method should be called before any input is read from the request.
Now coming to ServletResponse, for getting the character encoding it has getCharacterEncoding() and for setting charset, it has the following two methods.
setContentType(String type) - here type is the MIME type
setLocale(Locale loc) - loc is the locale of the response
Hope this is clear,
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certfied Programmer for Java 2 Platform
[ March 06, 2002: Message edited by: Gaja Venkat ]
Thanks. But that book-set is also by Jason Couchman! Looks like his books are the only available books now for Oracle 9i DBA exam preparation! I do not know how good STS (Self Test Software)would be.
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
22 years ago
Hi all,
Any idea about the availability of DBA kit for Oracle 9i DBA exam?
Also, please let me know if you know of other exam preparation books for Oracle 9i DBA other than Jason Couchman books.
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
22 years ago
By the way, where is this "3.5 months" time period mentioned? Is it in the DBA kit?
Gaja Venkat
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
22 years ago