Hello. I wrote an application which is currently invoked using Java Web Start. I'm not posting in that forum because I'm not sure this issue is related to JWS.
When looking at the Windows Task Manager, I can see that as my application starts up the memory usage quickly ramps up to around 130,000K. When I have the Java Console set to display, and I minimize the console, memory usage drops to around 4,000K. Restoring the console bumps memory usage up to around 12,000K.
If I run my application with Java set to NOT show the Java Console, memory usage is still around 130,000K after application startup.
I have a couple questions here. First, if minimizing the console cuts memory usage down to 4,000K, why doesn't my application have such low memory usage when the console is not displayed at all? Second, is there any way I can reduce the memory footprint without having to minimize the console? This application is supposed to run indefinitely and without human interaction on system startup, and shouldn't require a user to minimize the console. Does anyone have any ideas on these questions?
Thank you.