Bryan Meyer

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since Nov 18, 2008
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I also encountered the same issue while using JScape SFTP v8.5 in order to make a secure connection to a server.

This post was on the JScape website and talks about configuring your connection so that it is not adaptive. I actually tried this solution, but it did not work for me. I thought I'd pass it along to see if you or someone else may have success with it.
12 years ago
Hey Levi:

I noticed that your post is almost a year old, but I thought I would respond anyhow. I too upgraded the Cewolf library in an application from Cewolf v0.12 to the current version v1.1.6 and had the same issue with the range gridline color.

First, I set the plot background to white using the plotbackgroundcolor attribute on the chart tag.
The range gridline color also seemed to be white. There's no attribute on the chart tag to change the color and after much digging, I found that a theme is applied to the charts in the methods in the ChartFactory class. First, the standard theme is created statically.
In my case, I was attempting to create a 3D bar chart. The createBarChart3D method sets the theme.
In the constructor method in the StandardChartTheme class, you'll see that the class variable rangeGridlinePaint is set to Color.white.
You could change the color there or create your own theme that inherits from the ChartTheme class.

Hope this helps!
I've recently been working on moving a web application that utilizes Struts 1.1 from RAD 7.0 to RAD 7.5. I know that RAD 7.5 does not allow new Struts 1.1 projects to be created but it does allow existing Struts 1.1 projects to be migrated. The application is to be run on Websphere Application Server 7 and has been set up for this.

Once I migrated my application to RAD 7.5, I noticed hundreds of warnings indicating that the tag handler classes for the utilized Struts tags are not able to be found on the build path. The struts.jar file is on the build path for the web project.

What could be the issue in RAD not being able to find these classes? I have the appropriate files on the build path for Struts 1.1 and still the warnings will not go away.

Could there be a conflict with the Struts files that are included with RAD 7.5? If so, how can this be corrected?

Thanks for any help you could provide.
I was pleasantly surprised to pass the SCWCD 5 exam with a score of 92%! For anyone who may ask, I strongly believe that this test is not as difficult as the SCJP exam. I should note, however, that there are a few topics of the SCJP 5 exam - specifically autoboxing and unboxing - that may show up on the SCWCD exam. I wanted to share my thoughts on exam preparation.

1. HSFJ - This is the ultimate book for this exam. I used the First Edition that doesn't cover SCWCD 5, but it is more than sufficient for preparing for the test. (See others posts on this topic.) I read it twice and did the practice questions at the end of each chapter. You should really do these. The authors do not give you the number of answers for the questions so they are more difficult than the problems you will discover on the exam.

2. SCWCD Study Companion by Charles Lyons - HSFJ is a great book to get you up to speed on the exam, but I also found it helpful to have Charles Lyons' book handy too. For the practice questions you may get stuck on from HSFJ or to fill in specific details about knowledge gaps you have, this is a great reference book. His questions are much more challenging than those in HSFJ and quite useful. I did not, however, try his full length practice exam.

3. Enthuware JWebPlus - This is truly the best practice exam software out there. You get more than eight exams, and they all were quite challenging. The explanations of the answers for each question were extremely helpful. And the software only costs $29.99, so who can beat that? I'd advise, however, against buying the Whizlabs software. I ran through the five practice exams and found numerous errors. The software marked questions wrong for which I truly had the right answer. It was frustrating.

4. Sun Practice Exams - You can purchase two practice exams (60 questions each) from Sun for $55. You should ABSOLUTELY buy these. I ran through them the night before the exam and score decently well. They really give you the best idea of what the questions will be like on the actual exam and seem to hit a fairly equal distribution of all topics. I HIGHLY recommend these ones.

I hope these tips help out. I did not score as high as 92% on any of the practice exams I took. I found the practice exams all to be more challenging than the actual exam, but I believe they were great practice for learning the material, especially if you read the correct answer explanations.

15 years ago
Hello All:

I am working on a web application in RAD 7 that is being built using the Struts v1.1 framework. I have two projects - let's call them projJava and projWeb. I have a JAR file containing some utility classes - called projUtility.jar - that has been added to the WEB-INF\lib folder in the projWeb project and is on the build path for both the projJava and projWeb projects. Everything compiles perfectly - there are no errors.

When I run the application, one of my Struts action classes fails when it attempts to import the class com.test.subtest.SecondChild. SecondChild is the child class of FirstChild which is the child class of the ParentOfChildren class. The exception is provided below.

Exception forwarding for name firstAction: javax.servlet.ServletException: Error while defining class: com.test.subtest.SecondChild

This error indicates that the class: Error while defining class: com.test.subtest.FirstChild

This error indicates that the class: com.test.ParentOfChildren
could not be located while defining the class: com.test.subtest.FirstChild

This is often caused by having the class at a higher point in the classloader hierarchy

Dumping the current context classloader hierarchy:

==> indicates defining classloader

*** indicates classloader where the missing class could have been found

The SecondChild class and FirstChild class are located in the source folder of the projJava project. Their parent class - ParentOfChildren - is located in projUtility.jar which is on the build path for both the projJava and projWeb projects. The Struts actions are located in the JavaSource folder on the projWeb project.

If the Struts action class can see the classes FirstChild and SecondChild which are in the source folder of a completely different project - namely projJava - then why could their parent class, ParentOfChildren, not be loaded when it is in the projUtility.jar file which is on the build path of the project (projWeb) where the Struts action class is located?

I don't get the reason for the error.

15 years ago
I've built a web application in Eclipse which uses a custom tag library. The tag handler classes have been added to a JAR which has subsequently been added to the project build path.

The JSP which uses these custom tags does not present any errors until runtime. I then receive the "Unable to load tag handler class" on translation.

I do not see the JAR in WEB-INF/lib or the class files in WEB-INF/classes in the Package Explorer view. Is this the problem? Is having the JAR on the build path not enough?
