John Raab

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since Aug 11, 2001
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This post explained it pretty well:
Basically the difference is this:
Web apps usually are delivered the user via a web browser of some sort, responding to user input and form posts. (Main presentation format: HTML)
Web services are back end processes that occur behind the scenes, allowing business processes to communicate with each other in an open and platform neutral way. (Common Delivery mechanism: XML over HTTP)
21 years ago
It seems that with the weak climate for IT spending the "launch" of web services is slow to take off. I am a consultant and we are starting to slowly see them emerge here and there as useful tools in certain situations, but definitely not the "killer internet app" that everoyne was expecting.
I would very much like to know what our guest speakers think about the future of web services within the short term (3 year timespan)?
21 years ago
Happy there is a book on the subject cause so far the documentation for IWS and IAS is pretty weak. A lot of companies that I do work for, complain about that. Also much complaints about the level of documentation for iPlanet portal.
One product that people in my company have really liked though is iPlanet process manager. To use that, you need IAS.
Right now I started to use Resin for my personal, small business use requiring a J2EE server. Any reason I should consider IAS instead?
22 years ago
Thanks, I think I will take it. It does some worthwhile to me. I had fun last year studying for the programmers exam. Perhaps I'll have fun again. ;-)
Hello, last summer I got Java 2 programmer certified. I studied for a few weeks and got a 82% and was happy.
I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take this test next? Is it well regarded in the industry? I've heard some coworkers tell me its not really valuable compared to the developers exam.
thanks for any info
Welcome James! I've messed around with the 1.4 beta, and am very excited about the new graphics api features, such as hardware accelerated image buffers. How long do you think until Java will become a decent platform for game development? C++/DirectX is quite complicated comparatively, Java would be a breath of fresh air when developing games.
23 years ago
Do you guys know of a more precise benchmarking method, than using System.currentTimeMillis()?
It only returns increments of 10ms.
Yeah the round up game, isn't that tough. Mostly because its true or false usually. It DOES help reinforce your knowledge though. I agree that choosing 4 of the 5 best answers, etc.. is pretty tough. Basically your chances of "guessing" are very small on the Java test. Good luck in your studying!
Well at any rate I passed and got a 83%! I guess the studying I did was enough! Thanks to JQPLUS for providing such a quality tool for such a low cost.
BTW, make sure you bring 2 pieces of ID with a signature on them! I used a credit card (what the heck?), and my driver's license. My birth certificate was worthless. heh
SCJP - Webmaster of
I got the same score man, 49/59 for an 83%. I got a 75% on the JQPLUS test the night before, however 5 questions or so I recognized and might have helped me get them right (so maybe I woulda get less than 75%).
Before I went to take the test this morning I played the Java roundup game a couple times got a 100% and a 92% I think.
I spent 1-2 weeks studying I would say. The JQPLUS was great help. I took maybe 4 tests using that going from like 63%, 58%, 72%, to 75% on the final "random test".
I also took Marcus Green's test right after I got a 63% on JQPLUS, and got a 71%.
I cant imagine studying for 3 months though, my brain would FRY. Already my brain feels like its going to melt!
Well glad, I passed, hopefully it helps my career somehow because it was a lot of work.

SCJP - Webmaster of <a href=></a>
23 years ago
The software is here its great for only $20.
Good luck if your going to take it!
23 years ago
No more studying for me. This site was a great help. I used the JQPLUS software, and the Java roundup quite a bit in the last 3 days.
I've been programming in Java off and on for 3 years, and probably spent about 2 weeks of studying total. I was just hoping to get in the 80's and I did. So I'm pretty darn happy!
John Raab
23 years ago
Ok, I just took the "Java roundup game" for the first time in 3 days and got a 100%. Hopefully that means I'm ready for this test!
-John is the link.
They are $20. Gives you about 500+ questions or so of material.
They say if you pass their "Random test" then your ready for the exam. Well I just got a 75% and am taking the REAL test in about 2 hours, so I'll tell you if they were right. :-)
Well I just finished a long weekend of studying. I took the JQPLUS test (the random one) and got a 75%. However I think like 5 of the questions I remembered the answers to from taking the previous tests.
I hope the real test is easier then the JQPLUS questions. I've heard it is.
I guess I'll go to bed. Not much more I can study at 11pm, and need a good night's sleep!