shawn peter

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since Nov 25, 2008
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Recent posts by shawn peter

but the i need to validate this not the pragmatically, i need to validate using user friendly way. For example i need to validate using some website which take password and salt value and generate the hashed password.
Also i stored the hashed password as a byte array. So i need to convert it to String before doing validation.
5 years ago
Hi Stephan,

This is for just practise. I need to generate the hash password using salt and password. Then need to check it is generating same value. Can you provide me a way for it.
5 years ago
I used sha512 with salt value. So i need to verify the generated hash value is correct ?
I am using binary array as a salt.
I am using as reference. below is the code. So i will save the hashed valeu and salt in DB.

I need to verify that the generated hashed value by manually . foe example i need to hash the same password using that salt value and check that i am getting same hashed value . I found below site but it does not provide place to add salt value ?

sha256 site
5 years ago
Finally i found the below site which can encode and decode the byte array to String . So i can convert the my stored byte array to the String value and used in test class.
5 years ago
I am following below tutorial.

so the salt value in the java is a byte array. I am saving it as a byte array in DB also.
So how can i use it in my test class. For example if i write testmethod as below

5 years ago
I have issue since i am saving salt as a byte array in DB. So when i am testing hashing function , i need t give the save salt to get the same hash value. But in DB it saves as a byte array which is not readable. I can get the hash password from the directly for a give user, but not the salt value. I am using SQL server, so the column type of the salt is varbinary. How can i get the exact salt value for a given user?
5 years ago
I need to  know the salt as is it a one parameter of "get_SHA_512_SecurePassword" method. So if i am going to call that methos i need send salt as a one parameter.
5 years ago
I need to know how to do the unit testing for the password hashing?

for example i used sha512 for hashing my password as below

So how can i do the unit testing for this function?
because i don't have the sat value for users as they are stored in DB
5 years ago
I am using below code.

mysalt value is a byte array. So i believe this approach is a fine.
5 years ago
can you provide me a sample of pepper. according to below tutorial it is a another String value.  Ijust need to know how to add salt value when do hashing the password

I just need to know how to add salt value when do hashing the password.  Currently i  am using String password and byte array for salt.
5 years ago
yes, it was issue of the salt since salt saved as a String it may changes the content. I saved the salt as a byte array and now it is ok. I have one more question . If i use pepper as another salt where it must be saved. in the code or config file ?
5 years ago
I tried to save password as hash values. I used sha512 with salt. When i try to verify the password seems it generate different hash values .I am generating random salt using SecureRandom class in java.
5 years ago
I have a project which has several modules. I am using intellij as a IDE and gradle as a build too.
I have  a issue that when i try to open dependency class it opens class from jar file which is build and not the actual module code. I need to know why it open the class from jar file?
5 years ago
I am creating a struts 1 example. I am getting below error when i run the project.I have attached the project structure as well.

5 years ago
I heard that java 10 does not support EJB? is it true? If so how can old project continue? do they have to change to open JDK ?
5 years ago