Ankit V Agrawal

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since Nov 26, 2008
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Recent posts by Ankit V Agrawal

Yes, I have two EJB modules which are basic client server and the first EJB is having a remote EJB call to the second one. I'm monitoring the thread count through jconsole. I'm calling the second EJB in a loop(this is for load testing). Now whenever I'm getting a CORBA exception during the remote call, there is an increase in the thread count by 1. Also the CPU utilization as well as the Heap size increases in case of this exception. Although this is short lived but still it is not desirable.

I can remove this exception but this was something really interesting for me to have come across the increase in the number of threads.
14 years ago

Can anyone let me know how the GlassFish Server behaves upon getting an exception.

Does it by any chance starts a new thread to check the consistency of the system whenever it gets the exception ??
14 years ago
Hi Raja,

The database takes two days to out for your score after 2 days from giving the exam. You dont need to do anything the certificate would be shipped automatically to your address.

Congratulations for such a good score. I can understand how you must have prepared as I've also completed the exam being a working professional at the same time
16 years ago

I want to start preparing for SCBCD 5.o(CX 310-091) but I don't have any idea from where to start.

Could any one please throw some light on how to go about for preparing for the exam?
Please consider the following points :

- I am an absoloute novice in EJB.
- which book is the best for a starter.
- which book is used for the certification(like HFSJ for SCWCD).
- how much time would it take to prepare(approximately) considering that I can give in 1-2 hours daily.


I've cleared SCWCD 5.o this past saturday with 97% marks.

It took me 6 weeks to prepare for the exam but I belive it could have been done in about 4 weeks.

Thanks to HFSJ it was really helpful, not only it helped me cleared the exam but it actually helped me understand the concepts quite easily.
16 years ago
yes if you write line 12 the code becomes jsp DOCUMENT and would not be considered a jsp PAGE...and hence option A is not correct
Yes I got your point. But could you please tell me how to cal other build files from the master build file. I'm unaware of such calls.

16 years ago
<jsp import=�java.util.*� />

is not valid in a jsp PAGE...its only valid in a jsp DOCUMENT

I would like to know whether we can build multiple projects through a single build.xml file(Ant) or do we need to have different files for different projects.

for example :

<project name="CertFiles" default="build" basedir=".">

this is the first line of my build.xml

can I another project name in the same build file??
16 years ago
Hi could any one plese tell me how to add classpath in a build.xml

Basically I have a jar file in the lib directory of my project so I want to add the path in the class path

simmilar to "javac -cp project\lib\somejar.jar" to accomplish this thing in build.xml file of apache ant 1.7.1??
16 years ago
What I want :
src\ 6 ';' expected
in an xls file with
first cell : src\
second cell : 6
third cell ';' expected

Can any one please help me
16 years ago
Hi I want to log the compile time error in a xls file

source file :

public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String args[]){

compiler output :

src\ ';' expected
1 error

What I want :
src\ 6 ';' expected
in an xls file with
first cell : src\
second cell : 6
third cell ';' expected

Can any one please help me

If we use ant script than please provide with the code for the same. If there any other method than lets discuss that
16 years ago

I want to log the compile time errors in a log file, preferably an .xls file instead of a .log file. Can any one please help me how to get arround this problem??
16 years ago
Hi, I've passed SCJP 1.5 with 95 % this saturday.

Started off with the basics from Core Java Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt.

Followed by Exam Study Guide by Kathy Siera.

Then a series of Mock Tests available on javaranch

Now I would be preparing for SCWCD 1.5
16 years ago