Flaviu Simihaian

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since Nov 30, 2008
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Recent posts by Flaviu Simihaian

As of January 27th, SAI is no longer accepting registrations. Anybody have any ideas how do get an account for US?


Thank you,
What if you aren't prepared and still need about 1-2 months? How fast do the exams come after the release usually?
Well, they are comparing Hardware primarily and they are looking at the best buy (cost of the phone + plan). I think what we, as developers, see in Android or iPhone SDK is the unlimited possibilities of software that will work on good hardware.

Hence, the Blackberry would never get the first spot when looking at it that way. J2ME is dead, and will likely not be resurrected.
15 years ago
I got sick of the Apple bureaucracy and was looking for something else online.
15 years ago
Yes, Chapter 10 of the book covers OpenGL on Android in as great of depth as any other book.
15 years ago
Imrad, the book certainly covers writing code efficiently. It would not be much of a book if it hadn't. However, check out the full table of contents at pragmatic programmers' website
15 years ago
Symbian uses a Python-driven GUI for the S60 but it is still unclear how flexible and acomodating it is. My guess is it will not be easy to transfer an application from Android to Symbian.
15 years ago
That's an interesting question. It's similar to "What do Linux developers make money, like Ubuntu?" or "How does Sun make money from Java?"

The answer is: market share. If Android ends up taking Symbian's market share in 3-4 years, then Google's stock is going to benefit because of people confidence in the Google trade mark. Also, in such a case, 30% of all revenue for all paid applications go to them, which would be a lot of money at that time.
15 years ago
Well, if you are a developer that travels a lot it would be easier to test some JSP/servlet code or any other kind of code very quickly on your mobile device, and then show it to customers if you would like.

Furthermore, if you are developing .mobi websites locally, it would be great to do it and test it on your phone.

15 years ago
While what Ed said about the AppStore is true, it is becoming oversaturated, because Apple can't keep up:Apple Insider

Moreover, the design of the iTunes store itself is not very conducive to searching and finding the applications you need out of the 95% of the trash.

I am sure google is much aware of this and I hope Android Market will find a way to avoid the mess that the AppStore has become. If they do, developers writing good apps for Android would have higher financial returns in the long run.
15 years ago
First, it seems like phones will become more standardized just like computer hardware. Dell, IBM, HP, and even Apple make more or less the same computer hardware. Do you think phones will also go that route?

If so, will there be a Windows-like operating system, from Symbian and then the renegade more open operating systems like Android (comparative to Linux) and iPhone (Mac OS X)?

I know this is a big unknown, but is looking like software will soon be the main difference between phones. What do you think?

If my suspicions are true, then it seems like financially it makes sense that we should all try to code for the Symbian platform, when they will allow us to.

15 years ago
I don't think Obama has any control over that. The Democratic party will not stop outsourcing. They might try to restrict the money they are giving out so they stay in the USA, but most of that is going to states anyway, not private tech businesses. I am pretty sure Google won't get a bailout package.
15 years ago
Going along with Devender's question, do you have any paid application you are developing ?
15 years ago
Thank you Ed. Let me ask you your opinion: Which phone should I buy to start developing? Or should I not buy a phone at all and just use the emulator?

15 years ago

Yes, that's true, but the iPhone is twice as cheap. The plan is what's expensive.

However, I can at least say ok, I'll invest this money in the phone with the terrible ATT plan and develop any application I want for it using all of its capability for all iPhone and iPod Touch users and get my money back for the phone and the plan within a few months.

With Android, how do I know Samsung won't release some flashy phone that is much better than the G1 (which would not be that inconceivable) and all of the sudden I bought the Android phone or G1 for nothing, and have to get that new Samsung phone in order to program for the more advanced multitouch and other features.

By the time it's all set and done, I've spend $1000 or more and have made almost no profit from apps, because of spread out users over multiple hardware platforms. I am just trying to figure out how developing for Android could be as cost effective as developing for the iPhone.
15 years ago