Joywish Man wrote:for that you have to do analysis of hotel mgmt system before you design classes you need to study the UML course book before you can do that!
Anyways i think the interviewer wanted to know your analysis skills not your programming! just opinion!
David Newton wrote:If the images are in a non-webapp-relative path you'll probably have to do something on the server side--as far as I know on the view (JSP) side you'll only have access to directories within the web application. I could be wrong about that, though.
David Newton wrote:Use an HTML <img> tag and provide a URL-rewritten path?
You should provide more helpful information, like which version of Struts, where the images are located, and things like that.
can you explain more briefly...David Newton wrote:" Use an HTML <img> tag and provide a URL-rewritten path?.
Adeel Ansari wrote:Why do you need that? May be we could help you for a better design.
Sujai Kaarthik wrote:try to get it through session
Originally posted by Rob Prime:
It means that whatever method you call on it, it never changes the String object.
An example:
Instead, all methods return a new String object.