Kuba Bernatowicz

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since Dec 03, 2008
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Well, I need to execute it on all machines on my network, so I was thinking that I put a jar file on a network drive (\\\sth\ <- this is my share ) - so I don't have to copy it on every computer - and execute it at user logon, from a batch file in Autostart.

I didn't want to execute it remotely, but since you asked, I'm thinking of it - if it's possible to execute an application on remote computer without installing any client software? I know there are some Windows apps that can do this, but they all have limitations, for obvious security reasons.
In this case I think it's easier to just execute jar file from network drive.

16 years ago
Thanks, that's what I was looking for, but now when I got it working, I need something more .

I thought it was easy to autostart java app in LAN, but I can't figure out how to do this.

I have my app in jar file and I want to run it on several computers in my Windows network ( autostart ), what should I do ?
I tried writing .bat file with
javaw -jar \\\myApp.jar myParameters , but when I run it all I can hear is BEEP .. so I don't think it's a good idea.

Do I have to use Java Web Start or is there some other way ?

16 years ago

I've just finished my java app, but the only way I can make it run is by typing :
java -jar MyApp myParameters
, but then I get Windows' command line box.
I need it to run without that, so the only possible way to stop it is killing it in Task Manager ( it runs in background ) .

Can anybody give me an advice ?

16 years ago

Sorry, I forgot about it.

16 years ago

First of all Hi to everyone, as this is my first post here !

I'm writing (trying) a simple java app that could make a db query, fetch result and display message on the screen ... and do it every 5 min .
I've got everything working except those 5 min ...
I need to pause timer somehow, and start next delay (period) again only after a button has been pressed.
Now if I don't press OK button for let's say 2h, I'll need to press it about 24 (2h/5min delay) times ...
I hope I made myself clear ...

Can anyone give me an advice?
Is java.util.Timer a good solution ?

This is how my code looks like now :

16 years ago