Elizabeth Lester

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Recent posts by Elizabeth Lester

Hi Sam,
As a Vignette customer, you will have access to http://global.vignette.com/, which has the Vignette product knowledge base, technical support, etc. I had not checked in there in a while, but it looks like they have added a bunch of resources and features, including a code exchange section.
You also might find these (and other) yahoo groups helpful: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StoryServer/
Hope that's helpful.
20 years ago
Hi Shankar,
Text nodes need to be appended to Element nodes. So if you wanted to replace your <err/> tag with text, you want to first remove it, then append the new text node you create to the message tag.
Hope that helps!
Hi Donald,
Try this instead for your stylesheet namespace:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
p.s. And you may want to try removing the slashes preceding the tags here:

and try it like this instead:

[ September 23, 2003: Message edited by: Elizabeth Lester ]
Hi Kay,
To launch Netscape with an empty classpath, all I did was create a batch file in the directory with the Netscape executable.
The batch file looks like this:
I have not tried it with IE...but there you are.
20 years ago
Thanks for your response, Maulin.
I guess before I so carefully listed all of those other posts, I should have carefully tested all of the solutions suggested!
I launched Netscape with an empty CLASSPATH and now it works. I guess this wasn't such a unique problem after all
[ July 03, 2003: Message edited by: Elizabeth Lester ]
20 years ago
I am new to applets. I am playing with an Applet-Servlet chat program and I am having a similar problem to the ones described in these posts:
Applets loading local classes?
Netscape problem with Applet-Servlet Comm.
Netscape 4 Security Exception
But the difference is that all of my files are local. In IE this works fine, but Netscape is throwing an AppletSecurity error. (Mozilla says it can't find the class files at all.)
This is the format of the error I see in the Java console when testing in Netscape 4.7:
General exception: netscape.security.AppletSecurityException: security.class from local disk trying to access url: http://mylocalhost/servlet/vo.chat.ChatServlet
What am I missing? What is the security breach if all of the files are local, including the servlet it is trying to hit? Does Netscape only allow applets to use files that are in the exact same directory the applet came from (I thought this was limited to the same server, but not the same directory only)?
I have made sure all of the Netscape .jar files are in my CLASSPATH, and that does not seem to make a difference.
[ July 03, 2003: Message edited by: Elizabeth Lester ]
20 years ago
Aha! Just realized that the email notification is an option only when you first create the thread. Now I know for next time...I knew it was there! It's been too long since I've been in Java-land, but I am back
Ok, now back to Java!
[ November 20, 2002: Message edited by: Elizabeth Lester ]
21 years ago
Thank you! I don't know how I missed that other thread. I search before posting--I swear!
I suspected it was not fatal, but was glad to find out the details.
BTW, when did this BB stop sending emails to tell us when folks reply to our posts? That was so very helpful...I don't see anything about it on the profile screen any more.
[ November 19, 2002: Message edited by: Elizabeth Lester ]
21 years ago
Hi Thilan,
Thanks for the response. That's interesting. We also are using connection pooling, although the jsp that's giving me the error is the very first page hit upon entry, and from what I can tell, no connection objects have been created yet...
I have called in a Bean or two before it hits the line with the img tag, but none of those methods query the DB.
I still wonder if it could be related tho'...
21 years ago
I am getting a server error when loading a JSP page into my browser. The page and image come up with no delay, and it's on my local machine (Tomcat) so there's really no remote or network issue...
Here is the error that appears in my Tomcat DOS window whenever I hit that page:

It's just a simple HTML img tag. What could be causing this error?
p.s. If this would be more appropriate in the Tomcat forum, please move me there. I wasn't sure where to attribute the error (obviously ).
21 years ago
Just wanted to post the solution:
select * from usage_log ul, users u
where ul.user_id = u.user_id
and u.client_id = 69
and ul.oid like '%\_\_\_%' ESCAPE '\';
I did not know that the underscore, when used with a 'like', represents a space, so it needs to be escaped out like this.
21 years ago
I would like to select all items from my Oracle 8 database that contain three underscores in a row. I know that the underscore is a special character, and when I try a regular select like this:

select * from usage_log ul, users u
where ul.user_id = u.user_id
and u.client_id = 69
and ul.oid like '%___%';

It returns all entries that contain 3 underscores, regardless of whether they are in a row or not.
My experience with the chr() command is sketchy, but I thought this would be the proper syntax (to select items with at least one underscore):

select * from usage_log ul, users u
where ul.user_id = u.user_id
and u.client_id = 69
and ul.oid like '%' || chr(154) || '%';

but that returns nothing, as does a similar search using chr(138)--i'm not sure which one is the appropriate underscore to use (if either one).
Is there another approach I should be using to select special characters?
Thanks for any ideas,
21 years ago
What is the error you are getting?
22 years ago
Hey Padma,
I'm in the same boat. Let me know what you find out. We have Visual Age, but it's huge and unwieldy, especially if we aren't using it for development to try to use it just for debugging.
Hi Kingshuk,
No specific books yet, but check out the resources on the links page: http://www.javaranch.com/scwcdlinks.jsp .
Hope that helps!