krish arya

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since Dec 08, 2008
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Recent posts by krish arya

There is a section in the specification a\c to which the sha1 hash value of the piece needs to be in raw binary encoded form.
I m confused coz the sha1 hash are itself in the form of characters so how to do the raw binary encoding....
Please help....
14 years ago
Can anyone tell me how to create a torrent file in java .
I do not want to use the existing api's like those provided by azuerus.
I just need to develop it from the scratch.
Please help as i need to develop the whole torrent client but first of all i need to learn the basics i.e creating a torrent file.
14 years ago

Maneesh Godbole wrote:Where does Java come into the picture?

i am thinking of java real time specification
15 years ago
I am trying to design the elevator control system as part of my project but got stuck in between.
I dont have much idea about the hardware required for this
Please help about the technologies to be used.
15 years ago
Hi friends

I got stuck while i began to write a speechh recognizer using java

When i try the following simple program to test if any recognizers are present or not then the output comes out to be null.

import javax.speech.recognition.*;
import javax.speech.*;
import javax.speech.synthesis.*;

class recogdemo
public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception
EngineModeDesc desc=new EngineModeDesc(null);
Recognizer recog=null;




I dont the what is the problem .........
Somebody please help me its urgent........
16 years ago
thanks for your reply
but that is not the case.

I commented that line because that to had no effect on the exception that is being thrown.

Any way i found out what the problem was.
The problem was with the classpath after setting up correctly,the program is executing correctly
but no sound is being produced.

When i tried other demo codes, it worked correctly.
Please help
16 years ago
thanks for your reply
but that is not the case.

I commented that line because that to had no effect on the exception that is being thrown.

Any way i found out what the problem was.
The problem was with the classpath after setting up correctly,the program is executing correctly
but no sound is being produced.

When i tried other demo codes, it worked correctly.
Please help
16 years ago
Hello friends
I am new to jsapi
When i am trying to run the hello world program as given below, it throws a null-pointer exception at the line containing synth.allocate();

import javax.speech.*;
import javax.speech.synthesis.*;
import java.util.Locale;

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {

// Create a synthesizer for English
Synthesizer synth = Central.createSynthesizer(null);
//new SynthesizerModeDesc(Locale.ENGLISH));

// Get it ready to speak

// Speak the "Hello world" string
synth.speakPlainText("Hello, world!", null);

// Wait till speaking is done

// Clean up
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception occured :"+e+"\n");

I am not able to resolve it.
Please help me out.......
It seems that there is some problem with classpath but i am not able to correct it.
Please help.
Thanks in advance................
16 years ago
Hello friends
I am new to jsapi
When i am trying to run the hello world program as given below, it throws a null-pointer exception at the line containing synth.allocate();
16 years ago