ranjan manohar

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since Dec 11, 2008
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Recent posts by ranjan manohar

Hello Everyone,

Hope all are doing good.

I came across this question recently. Output of System.out.println(4&5);

Though I got the answer, I am not able to understand the reason behind it, Can anyone please help me out.

12 years ago
Campbell, thanks for your response. I didn't get your thought. Can you please elaborate a little.
13 years ago
Hi All,

I'm an amateur in java world. Recently in an interview I was asked to write this program.

"A number will be passed from the command prompt as command line argument to the program. I need to write a program to display that number like as in LCD display "

Ex: If input is Java <programe name> 67

Output should be as shown in the attachment. (I have attached an JPG image with this post)

As I said, I am not that good in Java. I am not sure how to start with this program. Please provide me few hints to start with.

Do I have to use any special API to write the code or could it be done with regular java APIs? Please help.
13 years ago
Hi all,

I have a requirement in my spring webflow application. I am having 13 JSP pages in web flow. User will enter his requirement in these 13 pages and finally saves it.
Now I have to find out an option to print these entire pages.In search jsp I have to provide a link to print entire page flow.I aware of "windows.print" option. But I have no clue on extending it entire page flow. Is there any different way of doing this.

Any help will be much appreciated.

14 years ago
HI all,

I am a newbie to spring. I have a spring webflow in which user will select a value from dropdown and Id corresponding to that value will get stored in the database. Now my prob is I have to get that value(which is selected from the dropdown in the previous page) displayed in the next page in text field. Since I am storing Id in the database, I am not able to display the value in the text field. Can anyone please help me with this. Your help will be much appreciated.

14 years ago

I have an application running in apache-tomcat-6.0.20. Is it possible to redirect the following url "http://localhost:8080/someapp/login.jsp" to another url "http://localhost:8090/someapp/login.jsp" since 8080 port is already in use. My requirement is if anyone try to access the url with 8080 port it should automatically redirect to url with 8090 port.

Any help is appreciated.

14 years ago
That part is okay… but how can I write into same sheet again and again, because my program will run for every 30 min. How can write all the values into the same sheet in a span of one month. Please suggest some solution. Should I have to do some modification in constructor?
Hi all,

My requirement is I have to write the Data into a Microsoft excel sheet. That I was able to do. But now my problem is, I have new requirement of writing into same excel sheet for whole month. I mean my program has to create a new excel sheet every month starting and should write all data into same excel till that month end. Even my program runs repetitively for every 30min in a day. I have attached my program here below which will write into excel sheet. Can anyone suggest me the modification which satisfies my requirement.

Thanks in advance,

Millions of Thanks for your help
15 years ago
As I mentioned above I'm able to list out files. Here is the code,

I need some method which will improve performance since looping consumes time. Can anyone help me with this

15 years ago
I'm working with the class

I want to do search operation for a file in FTP servers(means both filename and path will be given).
I tried out with the command listFiles() and I’m able to get the files in that particular path and even I’m able to search operation by looping through the file list. But now performance issue has arise. If there’s 10000 files in specified path it will take more time to get reply.

So Is there any command in org.apache.commons.net.ftp package that will provide solution to my problem.

Does someone had this issue before? How was it solved?

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
I'm working with the class

I want to do search operation for a file in FTP servers(means both filename and path will be given).
I tried out with the command listFiles() and I’m able to get the files in that particular path and even I’m able to search operation by looping through the file list. But now performance issue has arise. If there’s 10000 files in specified path it will take more time to get reply.

So Is there any command in org.apache.commons.net.ftp package that will provide solution to my problem.

Does someone had this issue before? How was it solved?

Thanks in advance
15 years ago

Yes I know the file name and path for the file. I just have to check whether specified file exists or not in the specified path and should get return message.

15 years ago
Hi All,

I am new to java and new to this forum. I'm developing one File Monitoring Tool. Here I have to connect to a FTP server and should look for particular file provided Pathname. I am able to connect to the server through FTPClient class but I am stuck search part. I wrote simple file search program in java. The program was working in my PC but when I used the same in server it’s showing Exception. Is there any class or function in java to do search operation in servers? Anyone please help me in this.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago