kesava chaitanya

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Recent posts by kesava chaitanya

Originally posted by Pradip Bhat:
ServletContext is not replicated. It is the HTTPSession which is replicated when I talk of Containers that support clustering.

depend on the vendors whether ServletContext will be replicated or not.

in case of orionserver if u define <repicate-servlet-context="true"> in orion-web.xml then ServletContext will replicated.that class which is using ServletContext should be implemented serializable class.

in case of oracleappserver

orion-web.xml if u define <cluster-config> then ServletContext and session will be replicated .
19 years ago
if i set like this servlet


session.setAttribute("example",example);(in case of sessions as u said no problem)

but how this example object set in servletContext will be replicated while doing clustering?
19 years ago
when u deploy ur application in clustering
19 years ago
ServletContext will be replicated in case Session Replication or not
19 years ago
how to make oc4j instances as a cluster in the oracle application server installed in my machine.

Is there any document to do this ?
19 years ago
server not able to find u put or classes12.jar in the classpath
19 years ago
i am using oracle app server10.1.2

in home instance i am deploying ear.its running on default port 80.default Oracle HTTp server is running in app server. this OHS will run on default port.

i am deploying another ear in that home instance.i want to run that application in 9999.

so one application should run on http://host:80/yourapp/index.jsp
and other application should run on http://host:9999/yourapp/index.jsp

previoulsy i used oc4j standalone appserver .there i created different instances.each instance will run on different ports.

Is it possible when u use app server.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Jeanne Boyarsky:
This article describes the types of session persistance. In is written for WebLogic, but the advantages/disadvantages/types are the same. Conceptually, this is all very similar.

may i know why oracle has not given document abt this session persistent types?

i searched in oracles.i didnt find anything abt this.

r u sure session persistent types are also same for oracle
19 years ago

Originally posted by Jeanne Boyarsky:
I think "ejb container session replication" refers to the session in a stateful session bean.

yes ur correct.Is there anything difference between them
19 years ago
does anybody know what are the types of replication of HTTP session persistence in clustering(In-memory replication,Database persistence etc..)

what is the advantages and disadvantages of each type?

tell me specific to oracle appserver 10.1.2
19 years ago
how ejb container session replication different from HTTP session replication in oracle application server10.1.2
19 years ago
what are the changes should i make at code level when i implemented clustering?
19 years ago
Is this correct to find out the size of the object in session ??am i doing wrong?

i am using HttpSessionAttributeListener interface to get size of the object in session.

private int getAttributeSize(HttpSessionBindingEvent sbe) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bao= new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BufferedOutputStream bos= new BufferedOutputStream(bao);
ObjectOutputStream oos= new ObjectOutputStream(bos);

String attributeName= sbe.getName();

int size = bao.size();
return size;
}catch(Exception exp){
return 0;
19 years ago
while implementing clustering why shouldn't i use Servlet application scope and static variables at code level
19 years ago
what is Load Balancing , failover , session replication and HTTPSession failover?

Is session replication and HTTP Session failover are same
19 years ago