Anil K Chandra

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since Dec 12, 2008
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Recent posts by Anil K Chandra

Sandra Bachan wrote:I am trying to understand the meaning of Om

When I think of "acceptance", I think of the Om symbol

But what is it really?

The meaning of om is what you give it i.e. it is your mind that gives it meaning. That also means that it has no inherent meaning as such. Any other word/sound too can acquire the same meaning.
13 years ago
This is an interesting read. Covers some points of Bert and Paul's discussion.
14 years ago

Pat Farrell wrote:
Those are not news shows, they are comedy shows.

I know that . IMO news media in general have given up any pretense of objectivity (i.e report the facts, let viewers form their own opinion) and resort to various antics to increase viewership. That is why shows like The Colbert Report are as good as news channels for me (at least they don't pretend that they are reporting news) and hence the wish that Indian media too had such shows.
14 years ago
Speaking of TOI, here's an interesting post on it. It is about TOI's coverage of Commonwealth games.
14 years ago
Times of India? :shudder:

I have long since given up relying on one single news source. For topics of my interest (technology, science), I follow blogs which do a much better job than the traditional media. For other important news, I rely on somebody else telling it to me (either in meatspace or through social media). If it sounds too sensationalist, I'm off to Google to search for alternative sources.

Coming to TV, for US centric news I sometimes watch The Daily Show/Colbert Report. Wish India too had such news channels.

14 years ago

Aakash Goel wrote:
What does it mean "a signal hacked our network"? How can a "signal" hack any network?

You are giving way too much credit to Hollywood in thinking that technical terms in movies mean something. They're just technobabble.
14 years ago

Vikas Kapoor wrote:
Remove bottom row. I think at some point human activities do affect.

Yes! We humans are also messing up the Earth's magnetic field, which in turn is causing magnetic disturbances in the Sun's atmosphere. The recent CME proves that. The End is near I say.
14 years ago
Indian carriers also have per second billing. I use a 1 paise per second plan. So if I talk for only 10 sec, it costs me 10 paise (about 0.22 cents). Very useful if you make a lot of short duration calls.
14 years ago
The rice grain is not completely dry. It has some water in it.
14 years ago
I keep it blank.
14 years ago
That was probably written 50 or 100 years ago and to change the verbiage, it might take a few more decades to cut through light years thick red tape.
14 years ago
My hypothesis is that people are lazy and yet want glory. A celebrity like a singer or actor is easier to aspire to. You may not get as famous as MJ, but if you try hard enough you can get your 15 minutes of fame. Achieving something similar in science is not easy. You also need to invest some effort on learning science to appreciate what a scientist has achieved. Most people just don't have that patience. Why waste time on such hard things, when you can grab a bucket of popcorn and watch a family fight amongst themselves on some reality show?
14 years ago
(Since this is MD)

Any OS other than Windows is a best anti-virus .
14 years ago