Corrado Alesso

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since Dec 14, 2008
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I solved my problem, and it was a comment in the query.

The pgAdmin can digest comment in between the query, and return the correct result, while JDBC will comment out everythin after the comment (in my case the order clause).

Check for comments in your query.
Are you using Postgres?

I had the query running on a Derby embedded database, and the problem couldn't be reproduced. Maybe an issue in the postgres jdbc driver?
I'm facing the very same problem.

I have a query (on Postgres) with an order by clause, and the query results are OK when browsed with the console.

But when the query is executed by iBats, and the result map applies the groupBy clause, the ordering is not the same.

Please, post here the solution for this problem if you find it. I'll do the same.

Thank you
[ December 14, 2008: Message edited by: Corrado Alesso ]