Tony Pacific

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since Aug 15, 2001
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Recent posts by Tony Pacific

Kyle and Greg,
Welcome to this forum. I've got a question about VAJ -- VAJ uses a repository/database storage for source code, instead of the old file system. Do you think this repository type of source code storage will take over the old file system storage model?
I understand repository model has quite a few benefits such as search and version control, but if IBM is the only house doing this, how do we handle code portability? Isn't that supposed to be one of the main reasons people taking up Java with the price of C++ or VB?
23 years ago
Kyle and Greg,
Welcome to this forum. I've got a question about VAJ -- VAJ uses a repository/database storage for source code, instead of the old file system. Do you think this repository type of source code storage will take over the old file system storage model?
I understand repository model has quite a few benefits such as search and version control, but if IBM is the only house doing this, how do we handle code portability? Isn't that supposed to be one of the main reasons people taking up Java with the price of C++ or VB?
23 years ago
Maya, for VAJ, you may also find this book helpful:
Effective VisualAge(r) for Java, Version 3: Includes Coverage of Versions 3.02 and 3.5
by Scott Stanchfield, Isabelle Mauny
Paperback - 960 pages Bk&Cd Rom edition (January 22, 2001)
John Wiley & Sons;
ISBN: 0471317306
23 years ago
I know some people who took N4430 several months ago (not N4410 though). Their feedback was: if you had used WebSphere before, the course would be helpful; otherwise, it would be challenging. Catch 22, huh? I wouldn't be surprised that enrollment for either course is low.
I'm also preparing for Test 406. I don't think it's easy to find good test prep materials for it. Preparing for MCSE or SCJP was more straigtforward -- you would have a whole bunch of prep materials and you knew you could nail it given reasonable time. For ICS WebSphere, different story.
But hang in there! You can find posts from other guys who passed 406.
23 years ago
I'd like to throw in my 2 cents here. The website Tony Chen recommended is a handy source for developers. We don't have to browse through the IBM site to look for different tools to download -- they're all on one page now. Thanks to Tony Chen!
However, one thing does bug me -- you can only download v4.0 software. v3.5 free downloads are gone. Since v4.0 certification exams aren't available yet, we still have to live with online help in v3.5. To make the situation funnier, many redbooks available are still on v3.0.2. And I am not the first person to have this impression -- check out other postings in this forum.
While IBM invests tons of dollars in marketing v4.0, can't they put in a small share to make us developers' life easier? Isn't this in the best interests of Brother Blue?
Tony P.
23 years ago
Hi there,
I know this question may sound too basic for some people, but I got stuck when I tried to run a very simple servlet in WebSphere Test Environment (WTE).
In the Workbench of VisualAge for Java (VAJava), I created a very simple servlet in the default package of WTE. There are already 2 servlets there - HelloWorldServlet and TestServlet. They came with installation and they work fine.
However, when I ran my servlet, I got this error message:

The source code of my servlet is:

The computer is an NT 4.0 workstation. I only had VAJava Enterprise Edition v3.5 and its WTE running on it. I turned off WebSphere Application Server v3.5 and Personal Web Server 4.0.
Since the 2 original servlets in the default package work fine, I thought I might have a configuration issue. Do I need to modify any xml file to test my servlets in WTE? Or did I miss something else?
Thank you in advance!
23 years ago
Thank you, Vithal. Your reply was very helpful. Tony
23 years ago
Normally in servlet code, for service(), doGet(), or doPost() methods, we have:
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
// use out to write HTML
But is it a must to say out.close()?
What if I don't?
A WebSphere book says "the web application server automatically closes the PrintWriter when the service method exits." I wonder if that is vendor dependent, or all J2EE-compliant servers are required to do so.
Can someone let me know?
Thank you in advance!
23 years ago
I'm preparing for Test 406 - WAS SE v3.5. Got a few basic questions. Can anyone give me a hand?
1. How many correct answers are needed to pass Test 406?
2. Is there a web page on where this info is listed?
( doesn't help. Emailed IBM but no one bothered to reply, which makes me love Sun's customer service.)
3. To register in North America, do you normally go to, schedule a date, then enter your credit card info?
4. Books. I got 2 redbooks, one is Servlet and JSP Programming, by Ueli Wahli (sg24-5755-00), another is WebSphere v3.5 Handbook, by Ken Ueno (isbn 013-041-6568). I hope to take the test in the near future. Which one is better?
5. Prometric rep says there are 55 questions for 75 minutes. Is that time tight? Or just fine?
I appreciate your help.
23 years ago
I also heard about the onlince course for WAS on IBM's website. Does anyone know the URL? Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Hey, that's a good idea.
I know some people talked about starting a forum for BEA WebLogic certification. I'm wondering how to start one for WebSphere AppServer certification. I think interests in this topic are growing.
23 years ago