Sangeetha Raja

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since Dec 18, 2008
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Recent posts by Sangeetha Raja

I tried this....

I a, gettign error in faces-config;

com.icesoft.faces.facelets.D2DFaceletViewHandler must be implementation of the abstract class javax.faces.application.ViewHandler. Any idea how to fix this?
15 years ago
Hi All

I wanted to find a coding standard document for Java, servlet, jsp, jsf... programing. Does Sun maintains this document any where in their site? Any one of you please let me know.

15 years ago
I am trying to use facelet in my Jsp.


Getting error:
JSPG0047E: Unable to locate tag library for uri

Root JSPG0047E: Unable to locate tag library for uri at at at at at at at at

faces-config.xml has;

Any one of you please help me to fix this issue.

15 years ago
Its working now. thanks
15 years ago
I read in Jsp Spec for beanName attribute and thought of trying it.
15 years ago
ok. thanks. i will avoid in future.
15 years ago
Hi All

I am trying to execute a jsp by disabling EL and also scripting.

web.xml has;

InvalScripTest.jsp has;

i am trying to access the url; http://localhost:9080/SampleServlet/Jsp/InvalScripTest.jsp?input="Hai"
and expecting translation error but i could see the result

same result coming for el ignored also; i replaced <scripting-invalid>true</scripting-invalid> with <el-ignored>false</el-ignored> and expecting blank instead of "Hai". anyone has idea on this?
15 years ago
Hi all

I am trying to execute a program with UseBean(beanName property). has; has;

Jsp has:

I am expecting valid response but error is displayed; can anyone of you please help me to fix this? I understood that beanName should be a fully qualified java class name..

<b>JSPG0227E: Exception caught while translating /Jsp/ActionTagTest1.jsp: /Jsp/ActionTagTest1.jsp(49,1) --&gt; jsp.error.beans.noproperty</b>

Note: If i replace beanName with class i am seeing valid response.
15 years ago
I am trying to execute a tag with JSP body content. I understand that every statements of JSP page can be ecxecuted by JSP body content.

The Jsp file has:

The tld file has;

The TagEight java class has;

I am getting error mesage;

when i run the Jsp...
JSPG0049E: /Jsp/SimpleTagTest.jsp failed to compile : JSPG0091E: An error occurred at line: 62 in the file: /Jsp/SimpleTagTest.jspJSPG0093E: Generated servlet error from file: /Jsp/SimpleTagTest.jsp C:\Program Files\.............\Test_EAR\SampleServlet.war\Jsp\ cannot resolve symbolsymbol : method print (int)location: class out.print( scount ); ^1 error

Note:Jsp file is in Jsp folder of the Webcontent, TagTest.tld is in WEB-INF.

Why i am getting the error message even the body content is "JSP"
Can anyone of you please help me t understand this?
15 years ago
hi all

I am trying to execute a program with simple tag.

The tag file:

The Jsp file:

I am expecting error as i didnt mention the attribute while calling tag in Jsp.

The output is:
Here the Header

I tried changing the tag file like this;

still I am not receiving any error

Note: The tag file (Sampleheader.tag) is inside tags folder of WEB-INF directory., Jsp file (SampleTagsTest.jsp) is inside Jsp folder of Webcontent. I am using Websphere for programming.
Could any one of you please clarify this?
15 years ago

Anyone of you please let me know is there negative marks for worng selections/answers in SCWCD exam?
I am trying to execute a program with empty body content.


AdviceTag handler class has the code;

TLD has;

The output is;

Advisor Tag handler

HelloSangi!!!You are in do Tag

Your Advice is:::you are here in getAdvice
Body content of JSP goes here!!! Sangi

I am expecting error as the body content is empty(there shouldnt be anything inside the body of the tag).

I assume because of getJspBody().invoke(null) the body of the tag is getting printed. Can anyone of you please let me know my assumption is correct?

15 years ago
In JSTL spec I could find the descrition for escapeXml of <c: out>

Deterrmines whether characters <,>,&,’,” in the
resulting string should be converted to their
corresponding character entity codes. Default value is

What is Convertion of character entity code? what would happen if the conversion didnt occur? Can anyone of you give more detail on this?
15 years ago