Rajiv Chopra

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since Dec 19, 2008
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Recent posts by Rajiv Chopra


For spring I only know and used IOC.
I have seen very less Job requirements with AOP.

Will the AOP jobs pick up in next coming months?
14 years ago
Hi Neha,

I was also expecting 100% BEFORE collecting marks from printer.

I hope you also missed same questions what i did. One of them was regarding How many objects are eligible for garbage collection.
I hope the answer should me 5. but my answer was 2 objects.

anyhow congrats..
I also got same makrs on 13th of this month.

15 years ago

Cindy Carney wrote:Congrats! What study guide/tricks did you use?

book K&B + lots of practice questions from here and there...
15 years ago
Today i appeard for exam SCJP 6.0 got 96% .
Easy Exam I did it in 2 hours.
15 years ago
Hey when you pass a referance variable to a method you are not only passing the address of that referance variable but that is copy of that referance variable address.
This means that you are passing copy of referance variable to ValHold v.
Then you are changing that value to vh(another object) The previous referace object is still same uneffected.

Remember you can always change the value of the passing object but you can't change the passing object to refer to other object.

Answer is abc.
Hey when you pass a referance variable to a method you are not only passing the address of that referance variable but that is copy of that referance variable address.
This means that you are passing copy of referance variable to ValHold v.
Then you are changing that value to vh(another object) The previous referace object is still same uneffected.

Remember you can always change the value of the passing object but you can't change the passing object to refer to other object.

Nidhi Sar wrote:Why doesn't this code give NullPointerException:

s contains the string "null". How is this happening?

Hi I saw the discussion. I want to add something.

null is a value which can be assigned to a reference object. It specifies the reference object has no object instance associated to it. In Java 'null' is a reserved word that can not be used as identifer and null means nothing or no value. 'null' is the default value all the uninitialized static & non-static reference objects.

hi eVERYONE hAPPY nEW yEAR 2010 tO aLL........

15 years ago
my doubt is in this method we are returning values twice first in catch clause we are returning -1 and again after finally we are returning 0
accoeding to answer value returned is -1 but why not 0

Yes answer is 3 because catch block has to execute with return but before return flow has to run finally.....
Good Question.

Answer is 5.

because object o is storing five arrays of String.

At line 4--> we are casting object a with (E). a is actually D (at runtime). So a require casting as class D is subclass of class B which implements interface E.
At line 5 -->we are casting e with B because downcasting is required.

Answer should be 1.

Raju Champaklal wrote:we know that static methods cant be overridden? then why can they be made final?

Static methods cannot be overridden but rewriting is possible thats why we don't made them final.

curve karve wrote:I was solving a mock test of SCJP which was available online...i got this question from there...
I gave answer as option 1 and it was right....

but i don't know the explanation...please explain...

thanks in advance

According to me option 2 is right. Option 1 can lead to deadlock.

Raju Champaklal wrote:if i create my own exception class by extending an unchecked exception class....my class will be also unchecked......right? please someone confirm!!!