Aalok Mishra

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Recent posts by Aalok Mishra


can you give a sample code for it so that I can take help from it?
Hi All,

I want to pass an Array consisting of emailIds into the request but I am not able of doing it.Can anyone help me in this?


Thanks for your quick reply, but I solved the problem on my own.
I figured out the discontinuty in data which was causing no display on the age, once that was sorted out
it was all a piece of cake.
Thanks for your suggestions though, they will help in furture!
15 years ago

David Newton Today 4:58:32 PM Subject: Problem with nested c:forEach


The test value should be escaped with the JSP EL escape, ${...}, so an expression would look like:

So you mean to say that i can not compare two different list objects using c:forEach even if I use nested c:forEach?
Is it the condition?
15 years ago
Hi All,

I ma trying to create a jsp page using c:forEach tag to control the display. I m having two list objects in my page and I want to have those objects in the nested loop so that I can display waht I want. Here is the code:

When I am using this code I am not getting images in any of the columns. Is there any mistake in comparing two different variables from two different lists?
Can anyone help me in it?
15 years ago

First Thing, sorry for the asap part.I'll take care abt it in furture.

Now, to anwer your question,sure I can. Here is the piece of code that is populating data in the statusQueryResult.

This code return all the columns in the table for the week id provied. The status QueryResults is gettign populatedd correctly as I have debugged it till taht point. But I ma not able to debug this calssCastException.
15 years ago

thanks Rob and Ulf! that solved my problem!
15 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to store the string list in and object array but I am getting classCastException on it. Can anyone help me on that?
I am using JDK1.5.

Here is the code:

The statusResoultList has data in it hence for loop is getting called but at the ddeclaration part of statusRow I am gettign the exception.
Please help me as soon as possible!!
15 years ago

No I am talking about Javax only.
I have read that it is also a package or just another naming conventation but not sure about it.
Hence I am asking for more information on it.
15 years ago
Hi All,

Can anyone please tell me the difference between Java and Javax?
15 years ago

Actually, the text in the textarea will be quite much as this will be coming under comments section in my application. It will bew hard for the user th read it all at one glance. Hence I want to display all that text in a tootip or a popup window and allow the user to change the text in the pop up itself, if he wants to do so.
15 years ago
Hi All,

I have a textarea and i need to add a popup to it to view all the content of textarea at one glance.
The main issue is that I want to add an editable popup to it and want the data in the textarea to change accordingly.
Can anyone of you help me in this? I am a GreenHorn in Struts.
Can we do this using Javascript? Please provide your reply to it.

Here is my code
15 years ago
Just one question Eric..
What does this mean??

Eric Pascarello Today 5:26:09 PM Subject: document.getElementById("id").value is not supported in firefox


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
document.forms[0].elementName.value = "I like cheese";
document.forms[0].elementName.value = "I like cheese";


Does that mean that I need to change all the getElementById in to getElementsByName?
But this is gonna create more trouble I guess