Thanks to all....
Ankit I dont really want to divulge any real exam questions....
Just wanted to highlight the fact that you have to
read the given code snippet very very carefully...
Himanshu, The exam is not so difficult really....
A thorough understanding of K&B is more than enough to clear the exam....
Just try to avoid many 'gotchas' and convince yourself that the given code will firstly compile and secondly not through any runtime exception before diving into the logic of the code......
Also with 3.5 hrs(210 mins) there is more than enough time.
One last thing dont review drag n drop questions if you are sure about your answer.
The answer WILL be reset when you review it. If you are not,
note down any partial answers that you are certain about since they too will be reset.
PS: I dont know whether this behavior about Drag n Drop questions is default,but it was so at my exam center.(My exam center was in Mumbai,India.)