ani jadhao

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since Dec 23, 2008
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Recent posts by ani jadhao

will forty k affordable ? how much saving could be?
14 years ago
Thanks for replying. Is there any source like online site/docs from where I can get more details about it like how much will be in hand take home , what are the taxes ,
Also can you pl tell me what are average not specific accommodation charges per person (bachelor), affordable travelling mediums within Singapore, etc?
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to get the salary range for 5.5 + yrs java experience in Singapore ?
Please reply

14 years ago
Hello All,
I am getting across a weired warning message in logs. The message is in subject line. I have investigated about this and found out that it comes from getResponseBody() method located in HTTPMethodBase class in commons-httpclient.jar.

The message is written as Log.warn ("Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recomended");
Now I want to set a log level of commons-httpclient.jar so that I could get rid of this message from log file.

I am using file in which handlers are and java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler . I tried setting levels with different values but still the warning message is geting printed.

Please suggest any alternate solution . Or am I missing anything in above procedure?
looking forward for reply.
thanks in advance
hi all,
I have been assigned to a project where web services being used. I am in process of understanding webservices. While going through, I came to some unknown words AXIS . I have googled for finding role of AXIS in webservices. I found that its an implementation of the SOAP. I want to ask , are there any other stuffs like AXIS which implements SOAP. If any , why AXIS preferred?
Also , I have very very basic question , why do we need web service? what purpose does it suffice in web application lifecycle?

Please put some light on above. It will be helpful for me to move/study/think ahead in right direction.
thanks in advance
14 years ago
hello all,
I am planning for web services certification . I dont have any prior work/reading experience on webservices. But want to learn it and to start working/using it , I wish to get certified .
I am from java/jsp/servlets background with a relative good proficiency.

It will be really very helpful for me if some one could suggest me or share their expericece , like how to start off , pre reqs , books , sample code examples to start with etc.etc.

Looking forward for reply.please reply
hi all,
I wonder if some one please could clear my confusion.
I have a class which dont implements clonable interface but override a clone method .

When I try to clone the object of my class , it runs fine with no compiler error nor any exception.

-So how will end user know that cloning has heppened properly or not?
-why clone method has been provided in object , why not in clonable?
- if they would not make clonable a marker interface , by providing clone method inside interface , implementers of clonable interface HAS TO implement clone method and user would be sure that cloning has happened because it has implemented clonable and over riddedn clone method?

looking forward for reply....

14 years ago
Hi All ,

I am surrounded by a thought about dispatchers.
we know that the difference between request and context Requestdispatcher is , of path i.e. context accepts only paths starting from / i.e. relative to context of root.
But Requestdispatcher of request accepts paths starting from / as well as ./ i.e. relative to root and relative to request .

So my question is , why there are two facilities provided and where they can fit if want to use specifically? Cant we do, using ONLY request.getrequestdispatcher method as it accepts both relative to request and root paths?
14 years ago
Hi All,
Today I just come across a thought , why to use servletconfig if all the methods from servletconfig are already available in genericservlet. I mean to say , in init method of , I get all methods like getinitparam, getinitparamnames, servletname etc ... . So I am feeling ,why does really servlet config need?
14 years ago
hello friends,
just for curiosity , wanted to know which data structure garbage collector use ?

intern method try to find a string in pool, if not found it will create new and return string object reference.

there might b a possibility that line 2 would be doing similar kind a stuff.

I am stil not clear that , the Hello string has been picked up from pool . 3rd statemnt compares str2 which might get a NEWLY created string obj Hello from 2nd line .
14 years ago
i have read in kathry sierra scjp 1.5 book . I didnt say that , book says that.
14 years ago
while reading book of sierra for java , i came to read about below statement that

String str2 = new String("Hello");

there are two objects created . One on heap , referenced by str2 and one in string pool.

After reading , I tried to replicate the same in code, and tried

system.out.println(str2==str2.intern()); --as per book statement , one object created in pool also by new String("Hello"); . So intern should get the value of that object and should return true as intern and str2 supposed to refer the same object in pool.

But i got false as result.

please carify or correct if i am misstating ...

14 years ago
I believe for the first problem , we could place a check in code that would test connection aliveliness before use and act as per the condition of it .Wouldn't singleton connection object work for this problem?
For second problem , I am confused , what will happen if same connection reference gets accessed by multiple threads? Are there any chances of any thing getting hampered ?