bryan lim

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since Dec 26, 2008
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Recent posts by bryan lim

Hi all,

How do I use jdbc to find out the properties of the available tables within a database?

I am using 3.6 20091214 version

hi guys,

i followed this to create word document.

But the setBold and setItalic doesn't seems to work.

Anybody has any idea? Is there better solution out there to create word document?

hi all,

maybe it's too simple. but i need help.
how do i put a circle inside a rectangle when a rectangle don't have a var content?
i need to have the circle be contained/placed inside a rectangle visually and when i drag the rectangle, circle follow.

15 years ago
thanks Aurelian Tutuianu. you are right. select the javafx download
15 years ago
anybody can help me out here?
15 years ago
i would suggest that you use netbean for javafx. do use the latest version. it has better support than eclipse for now.
15 years ago
I am having a issue of mixin not able to extend CustomNode since it can only extends other mixin or interface.

But i want to inherit CustomNode so that i can have draggable functionality. and int he future, i might want to inherit more functionality, that's why i need mixin for multiple inheritance.

anybody knows a solution to this?

thanks! n_n
15 years ago
i want to do something like this. anybody know if it is possible? thanks!

Sorry for the multiple post.

is there any solution to allow the browser to display the string as xml format?

hi all,

i wanted to return a webpage as application/xml document.
below is my code. the returned value appears like a string in browser. However when i view the source, it is in xml.

java code

returnResult2() simply return a string. and the string is below:

this is what appear in the webpage.

this is what appears in the source code.

can someone advice me? i want to return the xml like a xml document (with indentation). instead of just a one liner string.

hi all,

i wanted to return a webpage as application/xml document.
below is my code. the returned value appears like a string in browser. However when i view the source, it is in xml.

java code

returnResult2() simply return a string. and the string is below:

this is what appear in the webpage.

this is what appears in the source code.

can someone advice me? i want to return the xml like a xml document (with indentation). instead of just a one liner string.

I see!. here's the code. Perfect! thanks Rob Prime!!!

15 years ago
hi all,

i used the following code from

my unix time stamp is 1244466958

But i keep getting Fri Dec 19 14:47:22 CET 1969 when i should be getting Monday, June 8th 2009, 13:15:58 (GMT)

can someone help me ?
15 years ago
i see... that's very noob of me. really sorry about it.

i have another question. i have around seven external libraries which means i have to add in a long list of jar into the command line..

is there a solution to that? like combining them all into a single jar? how do i do that?
15 years ago