Priya Sinh

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since Dec 26, 2008
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Recent posts by Priya Sinh

Thanks Winston, and I already have understood the challenge and just by imagining how much to learn makes me shudder with doubts. Its hard but if others can, I can too (I think so). Just trying to be focused for many years to come on my own, since my job is much different to what I am trying to learn. And I can rate myself average student, so real long way to go. (sigh!)
My background in programming is a total mess, to be honest. And that's the motivation to learn the basics and learn one programming language first. I went through your Eureka moment page, and to understand it fully in and out, I'll revisit again after getting basics clear.

Thanks Liutauras, for keeping my idea of learning intact - as I felt awful when I didn't understand anything what Jamie said. EE is far from my reach when I am at first couple chapters of SE. Hoping I learn the core of Java and try hands on coding.
I am following the tutorial advised by you step to step. Please be kind to mentor me on this long ride!

Thanks all, again!
With hopes and efforts of doing good at Java. ~PS
7 years ago
No, I won't escape Object Oriented Programming techniques, and so will stick to Java. I am slowly going through the tutorial you directed me to, and right at the OOP concept chapter.
Have saved the pointers for the project, and will keep defining it as I slowly learn Java

The other link to the 'Where Do I Start' topic been quite instructive, and I think I'll have to read through it again to not forget all the advises there.
Its been a week that I decided to learn, and haven't been progressed much. Hoping I get through each topic and call myself a Java programmer some day. . Seems hard so far!!
7 years ago
Thanks Liutauras, for the idea of grabbing a project for learning.
I am actually thinking of making a scheduler to run different jobs for different time zone being on one machine/server. Seems like ambitious at the moment, but am sure its doable. Any advise on what learning factors to consider to proceed with?
7 years ago
Thanks Ritchie!
I'll try getting a copy to go through.
8 years ago
Thanks Liutauras for the advise on where to start. I think I'll focus on the tutorial topics and proceed from there.
Thank you, Stevens and Campbell for the welcome note. And I won't hesitate to ask.

I have ~2 years of programming experience and then started working on Databases and slowly moved to nowhere near to programming. Old enough to start a fresh career but young enough to take challenge to learn towards expertise. Java has always been intriguing to since start of my IT career, and I lacked focus so far to look at it. Now that I really want to learn, along with my job and life I am doing my best to learn and to sharpen my brain cells for programming.
I would gladly refer to books and wouldn't hesitate buying, but I don't want to dwell in many books and proceed no where, as easily lose focus at times. I am thinking of a focused approach until I am at level where i can glance through books to find what I want to dig into. Sorry, if I am sounding stupid. Is there any specific book I should read through along with Tutorials mentioned by Liutauras?

Advises from you all is something I would take seriously, and I am seeing all of you as my mentor to my journey a good Java programmer!
8 years ago
Please advise on where to start and how to start as I want to learn Java programming from scratch, and have least programming experience. There are many resources on internet and its so easy to get distracted, so I really need some advise to focus on and slowly master this language and be a good programmer. I am ready to work hard along with my job and busy life. Appreciate any help and guidance.
8 years ago