shyamkumar bopannachengalaiah

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since Dec 30, 2008
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Recent posts by shyamkumar bopannachengalaiah

ok fine. But when I try ti insert the file into the blob using jdk1.3 and setBinary Stream method I am not able to insert the file.

But If i run same code using jdk1.6, I am able to insert the file into the blob successfully. why I am not able to do so in jdk1.3?

14 years ago
ok fine. But when I try ti insert the file into the blob using jdk1.3 and setBinary Stream method I am not able to insert the file.

But If i run same code using jdk1.6, I am able to insert the file into the blob successfully.
14 years ago
Can any one please tell me whether setBinaryStream of prepared statement is supported in jdk1.3?If not what is the method that is supported similar to setBinaryStream functionality.

Since i I am using this setBinaryStream of prepared statement to insert a file into the blob column of the database. It workis fine in jdk1.6 but not in jdk1.3(file is not inserting) and doesnt give any error also. Kindly help me in this.
14 years ago
Hi , I am Planning to take SCJP in next month. Can any one please tell me which version is better to take up (1.5 or 1.6)?
I have developed an java application where the functionality is picking a set of files(Max 20 files each of max 10 MB) from file server and updating it into a blob of oracle database.This functionality has run for every 30 min through an window scheduler. so I try to call this java class through an batch file in the window scheduler for every 30 minutes.

But in some cases if already the previous java class is running even after 30 min for file transfer,the next new java instance(which starts in next job schedule) should not be started. It should start only after the previous one is completed .

I am trying to insert this logic in the batch file.Can you please help me how can I do this?I have been stucked up with it.

14 years ago
Hi I am planning to write SCJP exam next month end i.e. August end or september first week. Can any one tell whether it is possible for me to prepare scjp1.6 or I can go for SCJP 1.5 ?

Can I prepare for that exam with in a month?

HOw can I prepare for the exam so that i can achieve good high marks as it towards my promotion in my office?
I am working on a application that is deployed in WAS 6.0 .When I running the application I used to get some times page cannot be displayed error . when I check my systemout.log I see following error

An error occurred while parsing parameters. SRVE0216E: post body contains less bytes than specified by content-length.

Can any one please tell me wat is the problem?How to clear this problem?
14 years ago
I am working a application which was developed on struts frame work and it has BO integration to generate reports for different users.When an user logs into this application and tries to view his/her report by sending certain parameters as request,he used to get occasionally the following error.

Error: Error occured:Null

When I check the log file I use to see the following message: An error occurred while parsing parameters. SRVE0216E: post body contains less bytes than specified by content-length.

Can you tell me why this error occurs and how to solve this error?

Some times I used to get Page cannot be displayed when i am running this application because of slow page loading.Can you tell me is it performance issue?I am using Websphere application server 6.0.Since i am running same appplication in tomcat server its running fine with out any performance issue.

Please Kindly give me a solution for all my problems.

14 years ago
I want to use apache tomcat 2.2.8.Since my application runs on PHP Version 5.0.4 which was supported by Apache Version 2.0.53 earlier,so now I need to upgrade Apache Version 2.0.53 to Apache Version 2.2.8 and the OS is Solaris. so i want to know ,Is there any hardware incompatibilty or disadvantages in upgrading to version 2.2.8?Also i want to know how much time it requires to upgrade it in Solaris environment?
14 years ago
Yes, I am sure that I want to use apache tomcat 2.2.8.Since my application runs on PHP Version 5.0.4 which was supported by Apache Version 2.0.53 earlier,so now I want to upgrade Apache Version 2.0.53 to Apache Version 2.2.8 and the OS is Solaris. so i want to know ,Is there any hardware incompatibilty or disadvantages is there in version 2.2.8?Also i want to know how much time it requires to upgrade it?
14 years ago
I am going to upgrade my apache tomcat from lower version to version 2.2.8 . Is there any disadvantages or any incompatibilty support of hardwares in upgrading to 2.2.8?Can any tell me the advantages and disadvantages of 2.2.8?
14 years ago
Thanks for the reply.I cannot give the struts config file, Since it is confidential one.When I viewed my config file I found that there is no document type tag that was present in before the strut-config tag. in strut config file .Can I know is it ok if the document type tag is not present in struts config file?
14 years ago
I am working an application which was developed on struts frame work.When i deploy and run the application, occasionally i used to get Null Pointer Exception after i login into that page.when i check the log file i used to get "struts-config" must match "(data-sources?,form-beans?,global-exceptions?,global-forwards?,action-mappings?,controller?,message-resources*,plug-in*).Is this error because of the version of struts config file does not match and it does not have a doc type tag in struts config file.
14 years ago
When i run my admin console of websphere webserver6.0 and when I click the SSL from navigation menu i am getting the following error .
An error occurred while processing request: /ibm/console/SSLConfig.content.main

Message: SRVE0190E: File not found: /SSLConfig.content.main

Can anyone tell me what is the problem and how to solve it?
14 years ago
Thanks for your guidance.I am working on webserver version 6.0.
Is there any difference of configuration for different versions?
14 years ago